Chapter 8: The Avoidance

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Chelsea's POV

"Shit," I mutter when I notice Terry walking into the school hallway with Elvis and Victor. Not wanting to face him after yesterday, I search for a hiding spot, my head whipping left and right as I count how many paces left before he reaches me.

At a loss of options, I pull open my locker and bury my head in its confinements, hoping he will simply walk past without sparing my back a glance.

After a few seconds, I feel him pass and gradually lift my head, thankful to God that I guessed right, as he's a few meters ahead doing a weird handshake with his friends before proceeding to the classroom on his left.

Now the coast is clear, I bang the metal and stride to the class he just disappeared into, my chemistry textbook in my hand thus I foolishly came to school today with a pouch that can only contain my phone, pen and pencil, lip gloss, and eyeliner.

Why I brought this to school and not a bag big enough to contain at least an exercise book is a mystery to me. Adjusting the lab coat I'm doning on my slender frame, I tug down the grey crop top I'm wearing downwards so it doesn't expose my belly button as there's a little display of skin from where it stops to the waistband of my red leggings.

Strolling into the lab, it's just my luck that the only seat available is the one aside Terry's. Our eyes meet while I dance on my feet awaiting his reaction. He gives me a curt nod that surprises me and I offer him a quick smile in gratitude, climbing on the high stool unattractively.

Surprisingly, he doesn't utter any other syllable. Not even a fuck off or one of his cocky remarks. He also doesn't spare me a glance throughout the time we are conducting our practicals. Even when I spill methane, and it nearly touches his leg clad in the faded jeans he's sporting below a black vest, he doesn't say a word.

I'm a bit worried and grateful as the period comes to an end. Another stunning action of his is when he avoids my gaze while we pack up the few pieces of equipment used plus the way he bolts out of my presence the second we are done.

Mutely, I discard my lab coat, hang it on my elbow and grab my things, departing the lab room and heading straight for my locker hence it's lunch break. While putting in my combination, Uche materializes at my side, a perplexed expression on her facial features.

"Why the look?" I inquire, observing how the V-necked short-sleeved rose-patterned dress that halts at her knees suits her perfectly, though it's a different appearance to her than I'm used to.

"That's a flattering way to acknowledge your bestfriend whom you haven't seen since Daybreak," she snorts, clearly offended. At the slight twitch of my lips, she narrows her eyes at me. "Do not say anything about my cloth."

"But it suits you adorably." I chuckle, disregarding her warning.

"I said no comment!" She hisses, pointing a finger at me.

"Sorry," I laugh, raising my palms in surrender. "You haven't yet answered my question."

"What question?" She frowns in confusion.

"Never mind," I dismiss it, having no energy to explain, knowing she'll tell me what's troubling her sooner or later.

"Let's head to the cafeteria then," I sigh, slogging forward. "God, I hate that place."

"Me too," she groans, trudging beside me. "But today we can't help it as I'm certain you didn't bring lunch and my car has been taken away from me till Saturday."

"It was that serious huh?" I ask, recalling the look on Mrs. Chidi's face when she spotted her daughter and me seated at a boot during school lunch hour.

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