Chapter 10: The offer

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Chelsea's POV

For the first time in days, I make it to school before the warning bell, giving me a sign this is going to be a good week, unlike the roller coaster one I had.

Today has been uneventful which I'm thankful for. The diary is secured in my bag and ready to be returned to its owner the first chance I get him alone. I'm currently seated in the last class before lunch break. My position at the back once again granting me leverage to access all that is going on.

I sit silently, arms in a blue hoodie folded and legs clad in ripped jeans crossed under the desk, the black boots on my feet tapping the left foot of the desk as I wait patiently for the room to get filled with students thus I'm among the first group to get here.

In minutes the rest start to breeze in, soon after the history teacher saunters in. I sit erect and lean downwards to produce the textbook from my backpack while wondering why the educational system is so fucked up. Imagine a science student studying history, a course she'll never need in her line of practice.

Just as the lesson is about to commence, Terry strolls in dressed in a white Adidas tracksuit, coupled with blue Gucci sneakers that correspond with the blue lines on the sides of his cloth.

As I've been doing from the start of the first period, I gape at him, gauging his movements till he lets himself down in the empty seat in front of me. Weird as it may be, I feel at a loss that he doesn't acknowledge my presence no matter how rudely he does it.

I'm so immersed in my analysis of him that I don't notice a girl with pink highlights come towards me until she throws herself in the chair beside me which I forgot has been empty since I got seated.

"Hey," she beams, whirling to face me sharply that the strands whip my face, though not that fierce to leave a bruise but enough to cause a wince. "Ooops, sorry."

"If you are a spirit sent to follow me and show up at unannounced moments you can certainly tell me now, I promise, your secret is safe with me," I say in one breathe, observing her attire of a black print skirt that touches her knees, a sparkly yellow blouse, thick brows, long eyeliner and nude lipgloss.

"If I was, your friend, what's her name, wouldn't have seen me," she replies in a shrug and rests her textbook on the desk. "Also, I would have announced my entry, instead I thought it best not to interrupt your eye fucking session."

"Her name is Uche, and what do you mean by eyefucking?" I interrogate, cocking my head to the side and gawk pointedly at her.

"First off, don't give me that look, you come off as scary," she shivers. "Secondly you were staring at Terry with glassy eyes and a crooked smile on your lips."

"Note, I wasn't--"

"Rose? Chelsea? Shut up," the teacher reprimands cutting my words short.

We obey her, me glaring at Rose and she grinning at me, tongue in cheek. The teacher seeing that we are now quiet continues.
"So today before we go on, I'll be giving out your grades of the last homework today."

Most of us nod, while the others grumble but Miss Jane doesn't give a damn, rather she proceeds with what she said. Mine is handed to me and I'm not surprised I get a BC hence I suck at this class, therefore I get it the lowest of all.

Rose doesn't get a sheet, and when I lend her an inquisitive gaze she whispers "I'm the new kid, so I wasn't present at the time it was given."

"But you are still going to do it right?" I whisper back.

"Who knows," she grins. "I don't want more school work than the one I'm going to get."

I scoff at her lame excuse and face the front where Miss Jane is now positioned after being done with dishing out the grades. I vividly discern Terry's desk is bare of any paper and I frown, wondering if he discarded it immediately he got it or he didn't get it at all.

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