Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

I find myself standing by a wooden sign that says 'South Park', which seems like a small enough town to crash for a couple of nights!

Maybe I can even have some fun, ya know being a grim reaper isn't as easy as it looks, yeah you can do all sorts of shit, however, I'm still responsible for the dead and dealing with them. This dinky little town seems ok to lay low for a while, oh yeah didn't Damien live here? That reminds me, I haven't called Damien's dad in a while, I wonder how he is doing? I should drop by for tea sometime...anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. I'm here to relax for a bit, try to hide from Damien and most importantly, slack off!  But I swear to god if I have to deal with one more fucking Karen I am going to commit first-degree murder. But let's not focus on that, I wanna focus on having fun!


3rd person POV

"Dude, why are you swinging your phone around so much." Token asked slightly annoyed.

"I'm documenting," Craig replied sluggishly.

"Documenting... us playing a game...?"

Everyone was currently sitting in a circle, Jimmy, Token, Stan, Kyle, Craig, Kenny, Clyde, and Y/n. The guys invited Y/n to hang out with them, and of course, they said yes,  and even better Craig said they could stay the night so Y/n doesn't have to go dumpster shopping to find somewhere to sleep. And, they were all high so this will definitely be interesting, also a good thing Y/n is here because there is no knowing what those morons could get up to, so it's better to be safe than sorry!

"Yeah, I'm posting it on Snapchat. Also, I made a blog and I'm taking pictures of everybody and putting it on there."

"You made a blog?" Stan pondered "Just now?"

"Yeah just now. When we get like, haunted or whatever, we'll all get really famous and shit...And then we can make our own TV show based on the hauntings and I can be the guy behind the camera and you can be the guy who's never scared of anything." Craig pointed his arm at Token, then to Stan.

"Maybe, like, You can be the one who dies under mysterious circumstances or something... that'd be pretty awesome."

"Hey." Stan scowled.

"Jimmy could be the funny guy."

"I'd be d-d-down." Approved Jimmy.

"And... Kenny'd be...I dunno, the guy who blocks the door when something chases after us or something."

Kenny gave Craig a death stare.

"Clyde can be the one who cries no matter what's happening." Added Craig "And Kyle can just be there I guess."

"Thanks." Grumbled Kyle.

Craig started again "And Y/n can be the cool one who just doesn't give a shit and saves everyone's asses."

"Hah! Probably." Y/n snorted.

"Wouldn't that be, like... super awesome..." Wondered Craig.

"You're high." Token blurted.

"We're all high."

"Yeah, but you especially."

Silence filled the room.

"Yeah..." Emitted Craig.

More silence.

"Are we gonna do this, or..." Kyle finally said.

"Yeah, yeah." Token agreed "What should we ask first?"

Everyone looked around for a moment until Craig spoke up.

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