Chapter 11

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3rd person POV

"Start over from the beginning." Damien said he filled his car with gas.

"Well, It all started yesterday night we all played with an Ouija board at Craig's house. And then we left when things started getting weird, but we didn't really think much of it...We were high." Token explained.

"That's really stupid." 

 Yeah. I know. Everything seemed fine after we left. And even this morning, I called Craig to make sure he was alright. He said he was, but he had a weird dream... about a demon.

"So he passed out after you guys left."

"I think that's what Y/n said, yeah."

"Wait, why didn't Y/n say goodbye to the board?"

"What? What are you on about? We left before them, I don't even know what you mean by 'saying goodbye' to the board."

"Okay well, it's not my fault you're an idiot."

"...Anyway he seemed okay, up until that... new kid joined our class."

"New kid? Let me guess. He turned out to be,"

 "A demon, yeah. But we didn't know that at the time. Craig said that he looked familiar, but we thought it was dumb. And Craig even asked him, like 'Are you a demon?' And the power went out. And we still didn't believe him.

"I knew something seemed off when the power went out."


We decided to go out and figure out what was going on. Craig, Clyde, Jimmy, the new kid and I all went out of the cafeteria. And in the dark... at the end of the hall, was this guy. At first, I couldn't tell who he was. But when my eyes adjusted, it was... It was that one kid who died, like... a while back. A long, long time ago. When we were kids."

"There are a million kids who die all the time. Be specific."

"Pip, that British kid."

"Uhhhh huh...Okay... hmm. What next?"

"W-well... He was saying a lot of stuff, and I was too freaked out in the moment to really process a lot of it. So we all booked it, including the new kid. And I thought we all made it out. I didn't even think about Jimmy. I feel so, so bad about forgetting about him. I just didn't look back, and then I was too panicked to think straight, and–"


Token took some deep breaths. We ran for a bit. We only stopped once Clyde couldn't breathe anymore. And Craig was acting really weird... Like his mind was super occupied, and he was kind of antsy, which is definitely not like him, at all. He was kinda muttering to himself, and telling us to shut up, even when we weren't talking.

"He's probably got a case of the hell chatters."

"Hell chatters." Token repeted.


"You gonna... explain that or...?"




"Okay then... uh. Well... he decided, eventually, that all of us were going to Stark's Pond. And thinking about it now, it almost feels like he was controlled by someone when he said that. I have no idea why he wanted to go to Stark's Pond. But we didn't really think much of it and we went with him."

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