Chapter 3

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3rd Person

The sounds of snores filled Craig's bedroom. Craig's phone buzzed in his hand having woken up the poor boy from his slumber, he grabbed the phone and answered.


"Hey dude, just checking to make sure you're not dead or anything," Token said from the other end.


"Okay well just after what happened last night we wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Also usually you meet us outside so we can all walk to school and today you didn't, so..." Token added, "Just seemed a little weirder considering the circumstances, and..."

"Token. Can you slow the fuck down?" Craig rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry, you just woke up, huh."

"Yeah, thanks for that."



"Sooooo...Are you not going to school today or something?"

"Ugh. Do I have to?"

"I mean I'm not your mom, but..."

"Fine. Just gimmie a few, I'll catch up with you guys or...Whatever..."

"Okay, see you soon, dude."

"Yeah." Craig then ended the call.

"Ugh. When did I even pass out last night? Did Y/n carry me to bed? Oh my god, that's embarrassing..." Craig looked into the camera lens and a certain figure was behind him in the reflection.

"Oh yeah, I was gonna, like... Record myself playing that stupid fucking game." He checked the screen on the side of the camera. "It's been recording for 9 hours? I didn't even put an SD card in it. God, I'm so fucking stupid."

Craig grumble downstairs and checked the time on his phone.

"Not even any time for breakfast. Oh yeah. I forgot I made some random blog last night. Great."

A faint shadow of a familiar figure strolled behind him, fading away with every step.


"Hey." Craig greeted his friends.

"Oh hey, dude." Token waved.

"DUDE YOU'RE ALIVE!" Clyde beamed.


"Wait." Craig looked around. "Where's Y/n??"

"Oh they're skipping, they said something about work? And a big problem came up and their boss wants them or something...I didn't even know they worked man." Clyde emitted raising his hands.

"So how did the rest of your night go?" Token asked.

"Eh. I think I passed out like, right after you guys left. And Y/n took a shower. I set up a camera and I think I played a little more of that game, but I'm kinda blanking it past that part and Y/n kinda carried me to my bed." Craig's cheeks had a tint of red thinking of the embarrassing situation. "I had a crazy dream though."

"Oh TELL IT, bro!" Clyde asked eagerly.

"Was it a scary dream?" Token asked.

"I don't really know. It was, like... weird." Craig started. "So in my dream, I was totally playing with the Ouija board some more, Y/n wasn't there though."

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