Chapter 14

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3rd person POV

"E-Estella???" Token asked, "Who is that?"

"Come on let's just book it past Pip!–" Craig said.

"Wait– Clyde...?"  The group turned to face Clyde, "What's wrong with your eyes...?"

"Come on... we need to–"

"Oh..." Clyde said, "Will you shut up for a second, you garnished cow's excrement."

"Cow's excrement?"

Y/n faced Clyde, "No- it can't be..."

"Oh, but it can be my dear." Clyde smiled at them, "It took him long enough, I'm beginning to hate the stench of hair gel and wotsits...Not that I ever enjoyed it all before, anyways."

"Dude, what are you going on about?" Stan asked.

"But as I've always done, I put up with the wretched stench of another deformed monkey's scrotum that calls himself a man. And now there are six more to deal with."

"Clyde... knock it off." Token said, "You're kinda freaking us out."

"I'm freaking you out? Oh well that's a shame now, isn't it? Your puss-filled elephant's foot of a friend isn't here right now, sorry to say. And very soon, none of you will be."

Craig said, getting in front of Y/n, "Dude, what is your problem?"

"Oh, my problem? My problem is that this swollen, decaying fistula ratted me out. Ratted all of us out."

"He what?" Gregory asked.

"Yes, I heard it from the latrine. While this 'Clyde' fellow was having a breakdown in a piss-soaked petrol station washroom, his friend over here was raving all about us to the Devil's son himself."

"What are you talking about?" Y/n asked, their eyes red and puffy. "What is happening?"

"Did they not even tell you, my dear?" Clyde said, "How very rude of them, they don't seem like real friends to me."

Token said. "Clyde, what the hell are you talking about–"

"Shut your mouth! I'm not Clyde, and I won't even so much as thank you to call me as such. We were meant to bide our bloody time. Supposed to escape silently through your brainless meat stick of a friend's portal. But now we can't be so silent. So dumb as to contact anybody through an Ouija board, you truly do deserve everything I'm about to do to you."

Pip walked up from behind the group, "Nice to see you, old friend. Sorry to see our reunion couldn't have been under better circumstances."

"Y-you know, we really don't need to do this." Thomas added, "W-we... I mean we could–"

"Thomas, I've told you. Keep your input to yourself." Gregory said to him,  "These issues are much greater than your feelings."

"Dude... Whoever you are..." Token said, "We're not here to hurt you guys. We were high, did some stupid stuff, and forgot about it the next day."

"Oh yes, you'd think that ignorant, wouldn't you. You shredded bits of bloodied placenta have no clue the sorts of things you lot have done, have you? Maybe not to me, but it really just gives me a reason for all of the things I'd like to do to you. Not that I'd hesitate either way."

 "Then would you just get on with it already, Estella?" Gregory told her, "Y/n will snap out of it and try to stop us soon."

"Impatient scrotal sac of a decrepit old man."  She sighed, " I suppose I've dwelled within this grotesque husk long enough." Someone started to grow out of Clyde's back.

"Wait, what are...What's happening–" Token asked, backing up.

"I didn't even know you'd gone off and squealed so soon," Gregory said, "Here I thought I really wouldn't have to hurt any of you."

"You guys killed Jimmy!"

"They what?!" Kyle yelled.

"I told you, that was a miscalculation," Gregory replied.

Token spoke, "Damien told me we all deserved it" 

"Well, maybe you do, seeing what you've done."

"What we've done?!" Craig yelled.

"Get your head out of your ass, Gregory!" Kyle joined in,  "Oh my god what is coming out of Clyde's back?"

"Oh, I'll tell you who's coming out–" Gregory started.

"No, you won't." Estella cut him off. "Let's get this over with."

" . . . , - - - , - - - , - . , . , . - . "

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