Chapter 8

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3rd person POV

"Stop looking at me!" Craig yelled as he frantically grabbed two fistfuls of his hair.

"Dude, you're freaking out!" Token and Clyde were on either side of the frustrated male. "We just wanna help you, Craig."

"If you want to help then just listen!"

"Dude, we are listening. You just keep telling us to shut up!"

"Look at you all." A mystery figure with a rich British accent said from behind Tweek. "Squawking and floundering about..."

Clyde and Token turned their heads towards where the voice came from. "Wha-", Clyde said but was soon cut off.

"You've spent all this time stressing out over your own mistakes." The unknown speaker put his hand on Tweek's shoulder. "And you barely even know what you did." 

Token turned round fully, "Who...Who does that sound like? I know that voice." 

"Are we gonna get murdered? I don't wanna die...!" Clyde blurted out.

"Ohohoh, that's rich. Do you really think you're the centre of all of this? You really think we're here to kill you? Well... I'm not here for that, at least. Not for you," The mystery figure laughed a bit, "anyway. You've created a problem far beyond your control."

"Dude...Dude is that?"

"Tweek, dear. What are you doing? Why are you trying to befriend them?" 

"G... go away..." When Tweek spoke, it was almost a whisper. 

"Oh...?" The unidentified Brit let out a small belly laugh, almost like a sadistic giggle. "Oh, this is so cute...Is that why you came through first? And here I was thinking it was because you were just excited to see our beloved reaper, but you just wanted friends?"

Tweek tried to speak back, "N–"

"Well I'm sorry, some of us are here for a much greater reason. It's time to stop hiding."

" . . . , - , . - . , . , . , - "

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