Chapter 7

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3rd Person's POV

Craig's phone flashlight led the way through the cold, dark hallways, the group slowly walked and made their way into the open parts of the school.

"Okay, great, this is a shocker. Who would have guessed we'd see nothing but pitch black nothingness." Craig sighed as they carried on their way down the halls.

"It's so dark out. How bad is this storm gonna get?" Token asked looking around at the dimly lighted lockers.

"Man, I don't know. I'm not a weather channel, dude."

"Hey, hey Craig." Clyde quickens his pace to catch up to Craig, "If we go home early today, we should hang out at your place."

"If it's gonna end up like last night, I'd rather not."

"What???" Clyde looked shocked at his friend's answer"Why not, I thought it was fun!!"

Craig stopped at turned to the short male, making the rest of the group stop too.

"I think Craig's just scared of summoning another 'demon.'" Token teased.

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say."

"Oh hey, speaking of demons," Clyde turned and started to walk backward slowly. "Hey Tweek, I still don't think you're a demon or anything. You should hang out with us more." With stars in his eyes, Clyde stopped and beamed his brilliant idea. "OH MY GOD, YOU SHOULD COME OVER TO CRAIG'S WITH US TODAY!"

"Kay cool I guess we're all just inviting ourselves to my house now," Craig replied, expressing how much he loves the idea.

"What!!! You guys hate me though!" Tweek became nervous and tried to get out of this mess. "In fact, I should– I should just go!!"

"Wait, no, dude! Where did you get that idea, bro?" 

 "If you're talking about Craig, he's just a weirdo. particularly today, don't worry, you'll get used to him." Token rephrased his words, "or... he'll get used to you." Tweek was still hesitant about the idea, especially if Y/n was there. "We can all chill and play something casual tonight." 

"Literally, I never said you guys could come over." Craig reminded them.

"Yeah, but we're gonna anyways bro, so you might as well just accept it." 

"I don't like how dark and quiet everything is. Why are we going this way again???" Tweek asked.

"We never said you had to come, dude," Craig said, pretty annoyed at this point.

"No I know, but..."

The intercom spoke once again, but much clearer and in a british voice, "Tally-ho there, old friends!"

Everyone fell silent, the group not knowing what to say, "Is...Is that..." Until Token spoke up in an unsure voice.

"It is indeed!" A short, British, blond with a brown hat and red jacket stood in front of them. "Been quite a while since I've seen all of you, hasn't it!"

"Dude we thought you, like, died!" Clyde began, in a scared quiet voice. 

Token finished Clyde's sentence, "Yeah, like... YEARS ago." 

"And you'd be correct, ol' chaps!" Pip exclaimed in a cheery tone. 

"Wait, are you okay?"

"DUDE did you do the thing where, like, you died and someone brought you back to life like REALLY SOON AFTER, and then maybe you moved away or something for a long time or like–" Clyde trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

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