Chapter 16

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3rd person POV

"Guys– guys, I'm so sorry for what happened back there, seriously." Tweek said, "I never wanted it to get like this, even though I knew it would I just knew it, none of them can ever just let things be normal, or-"

"Dude... shut up." Kenny said.

"Give us a fucking second to breath." Craig was still gasping for air, "Holy shit."

"Hey wait... isn't this that new kid?

 Tweek stayed silent.

"Why can't we ever have anything normal happen in this town."

"Seriously, I'm so sorry– it was never meant to–" Tweek tried again.

 "Dude, shut up! Since the moment you came around, everything's been fucked up. I can't even think straight without hearing some bullshit voices, or seeing one of my friends die! You let Thomas... I."

Kenny asked, "Are you gonna be okay, Craig?"

"Fuck no I'm not gonna be okay!"

"We– we're all okay! Everything's safe now, they're not gonna follow us–" Tweek tried to explain

"Tweek, it doesn't matter if you pushed us to safety, you lied to us!" Token said, annoyed. "You told us, right to our faces– like on several occasions– that you weren't a demon!"

 "I'm not a demon!"

"Oh yeah, that's real convincing, buddy," Craig praised him sarcastically.

"I swear it! I'm just an imp!"

"Dude, what are you even talking about?" Token asked, "You have the horns and the wings and stuff!"

"Trust me, a demon is a totally different thing, I promise you!"

"What are you even talking about?" Craig muttered, still not understanding the imp.

"W-well, for starters, demons don't have legs like mine. And being a demon is an earned status, man. You either gotta fall from heaven, or do something really, really fucked up in hell to earn that title. I have nothing to do with any of you guys, I– I barely know any of you!"

Kenny asked, "Then why are you here?"

"Because fucking Gregory and Pip and all of those assholes wanted to get back up to the surface and do whatever the hell it is they've always wanted to do– I don't know, man! They've talked to me for years about what they'd do the moment they could get back onto the overworld. Pip is just going off the goddamn wall or something, he wasn't even originally planning to do everything he's done, I have no clue why he's doing any of this, he's never been like this before, I think he is excited to see Y/n. But Gregory, Estella, and Thomas, specifically... they've always had a reason to come back up here the moment I knew them."

Tweek carried on, "Thomas is, like... he's good. He's way too nice. He just wanted to get back to the surface for you guys, apparently. So of course, he dies. Of course, he does. L-like, he'll be back, sure, but man... he did not deserve that shit, man. And Estella is freaking the fuck out just because she wants to, I don't even think she's ever said a word about any of you. Do you guys even know her? Ugh– it doesn't matter."

"Hey, I have a question?" Stan asked, "I have a fucking question hello?"


"Why the hell is Gregory a demon? He disappeared when he was like eleven, what could he have possibly done that was so bad that he turned into a demon? And you cannot convince me that asshole went to heaven. No way he did."

"I always hated that guy..." Eric added.

"Yeah exactly he's an asshole, nobody likes him, see?"

"Trust me, I know. The only person who actually likes him is Y/n, and I think they are getting annoyed with him causing more and more problems." Tweek said, "He's not a demon either, though. None is even dealing with demons."

"Well then what about all the horns and–"

"Look, hell is a fucked up place. And I don't mean, like, it's awful and horrible and hellfire rains from the skies– That shit ended years ago. This new hell, under the son of Satan's reign, is so... messed up, man. Everything's so... nice. And uncontrolled. And there are palm trees, and– Man I don't understand it."

"Then what's the issue??"

"There's nobody around punishing the unforgiven anymore, that's the problem! When the hellbound don't get punished, their emotions fester. They have time to sit there and think about everything that's gone wrong in their life, and there's nothing there to stop their souls from getting super fucking warped. Gregory's been so pissed off for like, years. I've known him for like, a few years but I can tell he's still not over what happened to him. He goes on and on about you, man. You. And like, bananas, for some reason..."

"Bananas, huh." Stan looks down at his 'God I love bananas' t-shirt You're trying to tell me that you're a good guy and that Gregory is pissed off at me and bananas."

"I barely listen to him so I don't know the whole story, but...He's pissed off at you, and he's here to get you. I don't know what the fuck you did man."

"This is stupid."

"Yeah, you're still from hell!" Craig said, "You're still fucking up all our lives."

"RRRGH– I'm not trying to fuck up your lives, I'm trying to stop Gregory and his stupid friends from doing anything to you guys!"

"Wow, great job so far, you're like a guardian angel. You just stood outside my house while I got choked, dude!"

"Why do you care so much about us?" Token asked.

"Dumb reasons man. Just– Look, let me take you guys somewhere safe. Or– or like. Tell you how to protect yourselves."

Stan said sceptical, "Why should we take advice from you?" 

"Because you've been standing here for the last five minutes listening to my advice, you can stand another minute or two of it, holy shit."

"Where can we even go that's safe at all?"

"Like. Like..." Tweek sighed, " I don't know. I was going to say Y/n's place but that would be way too obvious. We'll find you guys someplace. After we do, I need to get the hell out of here, because they can obviously track me, man."

" . - . . , . - , - , . , . - . "

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