Chapter 17

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3rd person POV

"Just why the hell are we going back into town?!" Gregory asked as he and Estella walked.

"How many times do I need to tell you, you sun-dried scab off a decrepit man's back?" Estella complained,  "We need to devise a plan. What you did back there was foolish, unthought, and I'm fairly surprised nobody has you at the end of a pitchfork yet."

"Oh, so you can try and throw a couple of Joe-soap victims off a bridge, but chasing after them is just too out of line, is it?"

"Perhaps chasing them would be fine, if you hadn't crushed everything in your path to get to them; you rough, low-hanging moose testicle. My ways would have been efficient– quick and to the point– but somebody had to make a grand show today, didn't they? Had fun running around doing whatever you wanted, didn't you?"

Estella was dragging faceless Thomas by the foot.

"I was handling everything just fine, and you know it. Maybe if you were better at possessing that chubby, hairy runt, I could have gotten rid of Stanley from the start."

"I'm not the issue you corpulent, bacteria-ridden rodent carcass! You know damn well I needed more time to control him than one single day."

"And you thought you could do everything on your own. You thought, 'Oh, if I don't let that poor old bitch out, I don't ever have to deal with her superior plan ever again! I'm so ridiculously smart!'" Gregory did his best impression of Estella, which was basically highering his pitch.

"I do not sound like that! Maybe if the others picked up their slack, I wouldn't have had to call you out in the first place!"

"Oh! I see how it is! If you hadn't let me out, everything would be just sunshine and roses, would it now? Is that what you're saying, you filthy, rancid pustule swell? Is it? If you hadn't left me inside that small testicled man-child, the son of Satan wouldn't know we're out here right now! It's your fault any of this is a problem!"

"Now listen here, you... youuu...!!!"

"Do you guys ever stop arguing?" Y/n asked, being dragged on the floor by Gregory's ink. "It's the first time I see you in years and you still can't be trusted with each other?"

Gregory and Estella both looked down at Y/n, "Sorry dear, It's just this bastard is so self-centred that he can't even realise when he is wrong!"

"You better pick a damn side here with what you want!" Gregory yelled back, "You're the dipsy twat who decided to possess anybody at all, and you think it's my responsibility to take you out of there? Did you want to stay in him or not?!"

"It doesn't matter what I wanted, it–" Estella tried so say but was cut off.

"Oh, so now it doesn't matter what you wanted, hmm? Is that what I'm hearing from you now?"

"Oh, quiet you! You plan to improvise if something goes wrong!"

"You can't plan an improvision, that's an oxymoron in of itself!"

"You've ran out of arguments so you nitpick my words instead, huh?"

"That's right! Maybe if you weren't so impeccably stupid it wouldn't have gotten to this point."

"You really are a child at heart still. The devil's out there, and he's going to be on our tails, and you choose to do this with your time."

"We're still walking, are we not?! I know he's on our ass! We're awesome at what we do, he'd be a fool not to be!"

"That is true."

"You guys do know it's also my job to get you back to hell too?" Y/n asked. They both stopped in their tracks and looked at Y/n.

"What?!" They both said in unison.

"Yeah! How did you not know?"

"Well, you bring souls to hell, not bring them back," Gregory said. "Besides! We are friends, you won't do that to your dear friends, would you?"

"Well Damien asked me to help, and he's basically my boss, soooo."

"So you two are still close?" Estella asked.

"Of course we are, he's literally my only friend now since you guys all died..."

"What about the idiots we're after?" Gregory spoke, feeling a twinge of guilt for leaving his friend.

"Well sure, but they aren't my real friends, not like you guys..." Gregory and Estella looked at each other, feeling regret for leaving Y/n, even if it was unintended.


"Heyyou're supposed to be helping people get ready in the make-up room," Mike said as they walked up to the son of Satan.

"What?" Damien asked.

"You're supposed to be doing your job, per se."

"I'm on break."

"Break ended five minutes ago."

"Yeah okay sure. I could send you to hell right now you know."

"Whatever, man..." Mike walked away.

Damien took a sip of his drink, "God I love doing absolutely fucking nothing."


"Well, did you guys get all the yelling out of your systems?" Y/n asked sarcastically.

"No, not quite." Gregory said and Y/n groaned, "Would you mind not dragging the poor sap's corpse across the pavement? All that's going to do is prolong his revival."

"You care about the decency of a corpse, do you?" Estella demanded.

"If we're walking through a town full of red-neck, American blokes with shotguns at the ready, then yes. I do."

Gregory picked Thomas's body up and slung it over his shoulder. "He's also still our friend, like it or not."

"I do not have friends, you silly bleeding heart of a man. You are all nothing more than accomplices."

"Oh I'm sure you think so."

"I know so." Gregory tried to speak but was cut off by Estella, "Shut up. What are you doing with it?"

"Carrying him with some decency, you hag."

"I hardly see how carrying it like that will stop very many people from screaming bloody murder, anyways. Honestly, it's a shame you actually have a heart under all of that blubbery skin of yours." Estella copied Gregory and picked Y/n up, who was still bound, and slung them over her shoulder, "You're going to get blood all over yourself, you know."

"Do not remind me. Why do you think I put on gloves?"

"Let's just get somewhere quiet for the night and figure out our next course of action, shall we?"

"Whatever you say, your highness."

" - . . , . - , - . , - . - . , . "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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