chapter two.

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Kansas City.

Landon's POV.

" Come on, it's a nice movie. I swear "

I exhale deeply. Ruffling my hair first then my hand automatically lands on the bridge of my nose.

I opened my eyes only to meet Helen's expectant ones shining with hope.

" I have works to do, places to be.. and you miss Donovan decides to call me declaring emergency only so that I can join you on a Disney animation. " I say tiredly.

" Landon, this is talk of the century. Disney is everything. "

" Again, seriously. "

She gently pats the beanbag next to hers.

" Sit Carter. "

I walk towards her and take one potato chip.

She looks at me as I stand straighter, making her strain her neck to look at me again.

" Am heading over at Bob's. I have bills to pay unlike you glitters. " She rolls her eyes as her mouth opens ready to say something.

I immediately put the chip into her mouth.

" Nah ah you don't. You paid my bills last month. "

" It isn't a bother. "

" Am not charity Helen. I have a mother, and hands. And a bike and many other things. "

" But..  I just.. " she pouts

" We spoke about this. Don't make me angry. "

" Those people are dangerous Landon. Do you see how scary they look. " she flares her hands exaggeratedly.

" The work is dangerous, yes. " I say picking up my jacket. Walking towards her door.

" The people.. well I beg to differ. Bob and Xander are harmless. "

" Joy kill. " She shouts after me as I walk across the hall.

" Another time glitters. "

And now I should get out of this place before Annabelle sees me.

If you haven't noticed yet. I am currently walking out of the Donovan premises. The very rich business man of Kansas. Who has right about five children. One son, four daughters. Helen being the third born.

Helen Donovan my very close friend. Has a brother, the first born William. Annabelle the second born who is in University but has a huge obsession over me. And the reason I don't like coming over. She might be living like miles away but occasionally drops by to  ' coincidentally' run into me if am around.

And then she has two more younger sisters. Macy and Dina.

So whenever I come over the house is completely noisy. Not forgetting the amount of housekeeping staff they have.

" Oh Landon you are leaving already " I turn to meet with Mrs Donovan's disappointed look.

" Yes actually. Umm .. something came up. "

" What a shame we thought you'd stay for dinner. "

" Is Landon already leaving. " Dina appears out of the blue.

Six years old Dina is actually my favorite Donovan.

She pouts. I chuckle carrying her on my arms.

" Oh come on didn't Helen tell you princesses don't frown. It gives you wrinkles. "

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