chapter twenty

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I can't believe it, not even a name.

But picking up his notebook, am sure that was written Landon. Though it wouldn't hurt him to just take my hand and say, am Landon nice to meet you.

No boy only takes a single look at me. But then again don't be stupid Eva, not when you put on those baggy clothes and glasses.

I surely didn't remember him first, the picture didn't just come, but once he walked into the doors of that lecture room, it's like time stopped and it was slowly taking me back until the professor announced that he was being a distraction. And he surely was.

I swear I heard some girls behind me say,

" My oh my, seems like an Adonis is brought our way this is definitely my year. "

" Oh really, I bet he won't spare you a glance. "

" He will be begging me to jump on his bones you wait and watch. "

What is this, highschool ?!


" Hi can I sit here " I looked up and saw a girl looking expectantly at me. I cleared my throat ready to answer but before I could form a full sentence she sat.

" Yeah.. I guess you can. " She smiled brightly.

" So what's your name. " She asked me digging into her food with her fork in her perfectly manicured nails.

" Umm.. Evelyn. But Eva is fine. "

" Nice to meet you, I am Cindy. " She brought her fist closer to me, something Morgan would immediately do.

I gently bump it.

I know am trying to finally do normal stuff to fit in with people of my age and stay far away from my control freak parents, but when it comes to somethings I can't help I guess my mom did a good job there. Like shaking hands instead of fist bumping.

" We major same courses, nice vibe in class. " She tells me.

" Many people would call me a nerd but thanks. "

She laughs, " nerd or not I think you're smart. And you give me a better vibe, the last thing I need on my first day is receiving bad vibes. "

" You think. "

She laughs more as she flips her hair back, yap she is definitely a Cindy.

" Like what you did to your hair. " I tell her swing that it's dyed gray at its tips.

" Thanks I just tried it out. But I like yours more, it's looks thick and natural. "

I smile at her comment.

" He didn't come, I was gonna invite him to our table guess I'll think of something else. " I hear the same girl from the morning.

I turn to look at her, but only briefly before she catches my eye.

" She never stops. " I hear Cindy murmur.

" You know her. "

" Sadly, yes. That's Kayla Kingston. We went to the same highschool. "

" From the way you're speaking of her, she doesn't sound very .. approachable. "

" You could say that. "

Her words from morning about Landon immediately cloud my mind.

' why are you thinking of that guy, you absolutely don't know him. Literally!. '

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