Allison: Apology

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Everything was slipping away. Every hope, every plan, every dream was well on its way to being smashed to bits. I had to do something drastic, something I never would've considered otherwise.

I heard the news blaring from the front room while I contemplated my next move. I usually did my best to tune out whatever things my hard of hearing mother was watching, but the strange nature of the report demanded my attention.

"The sky blacked out for about twenty minutes today. Scientists are not sure as to what caused the clouds to suddenly become so dense that they blacked out the sun. After the sky cleared, the wind picked up and there were reports of a tornado in the east hills. Our reporter, Danielle Anias, has been in the east hills all day. She's live there now with more on this story, Danielle."

"Well, Nicole, as you can see there is a massive hole in the ground here. Officials are still unsure as to what caused that hole, but they are still looking into it. They do believe this was an isolated incident. There are also large trenches surrounding this area over here...."

My phone started buzzing. I saw Nilla's number and wondered if I should even bother to answer.


She let out a sigh. "Hey, Ali. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You said the things that were in your heart to say."

"You're one of my best friends and I just let you go like an old shoe."

"You hold on to all your old shoes."

"You know what I mean."

"Seriously, you have shoes from back before we even met. You probably still have your baby shoes in that closet. For you to compare me to an old shoe is like a compliment meaning you'd never let me go, not even if I'm old, worn out, and smelly."

She laughed.

"So how did you finally see the light?" I asked.

"There was this flash of silvery something that made me change how I was feeling about him. In one moment I wanted to hit him, and in the next, I never wanted to leave him." There was a moment of silence. "Plus a pack of wolves in human form came by our private spot looking for him. They said they were the protectors of the land and they wanted to kill him." She said it sort of matter of fact. Ho hum, she's visited by wolves all the time.

"A pack of wolves in human form? How do you know they didn't want to hurt you? Wolves can be dangerous."

"They told me they didn't want to hurt me...oh, well there was this one moment when they threatened me, but I really think that was just because they wanted to gain Jace's attention. They only wanted his medallion."

"We have got to figure out what's going on with this medallion for real. You obviously can't trust what he has to say about it and I'm not too sure you can trust what anyone else has to say about it either."

"He says it's very powerful and can control the elements. I watched him put the hurt on those wolves and protect me at the same time. That medallion caused the blackout and tornado today. I'm sure it's all over every news outlet."

"So why don't these others who want it just go ninja on him and take it?"

"I'm not sure who or what to believe anymore."

"You can believe in me, Nilla."

"I know. Strange as it may sound to you, I still want to be around him. I miss him so much right now. I kind of wish I did let him have his way with me."

I was flabbergasted. "W-wait, what? What did he do?"

"Uh," Nilla hesitated. "I guess I should tell you. Well, let me call Halo. We can three-way."

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