Halo: Decisions

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We regrouped back at my home. I tried my best to be comforting to Nilla, but what could I do?

"I'm open to suggestions on what we should do next," I said.

"If we had gone after them right away, we might have them by now," said Banta.

"I will not leave my friend if she's hurt, Banta."

"My apologies, Lady Halo, but the boy was with her and could have easily looked after her while we spread out and searched for the fugitive. It was the better course of action."

"You also could've easily left without my permission to pursue them."

"I did." Banta seemed smug about it. She had this air about her that screamed she was better than me and should remain the pack leader. "I sent Will and the pack out while you were spilling your life story to your friend. He should be reporting back here shortly with his findings."

I raised an eyebrow. "If you already did it, then why do you still bring it up?"

"To prove a point."

"And what point would that be?"

Banta was suddenly tight-lipped. They all knew what she wanted to say even if she herself refused to say it.

"Do you think you would be a better leader?" I asked.

"I never said that."

"But you were thinking it. I may not have been around for a few years but that doesn't mean I'm any less of a leader or any less powerful. My rite was granted to me, ordained by God, and you have nothing to say here unless I say you do."

I've never had to act so entitled before and it definitely wasn't something I wanted Nilla to see. I could sense that a part of Banta wanted to back down, but another part wanted to stand proud and take the pack the way wolves do. The strongest is the one who leads. I could feel the tension building. It was only a matter of time before that other part of her won out and she challenged me for my birthright. In truth, nothing would please me more. She could have them back after Nilla was safe, but I couldn't let her know that. The pack would view me as weak and go after Banta's agenda which would leave Nilla exposed and vulnerable.

"This bickering isn't getting us anywhere," said Steven. "We only have two more nights and then we need to figure out what to do once we have them. Does anyone know anything that might be of use?"

Banta looked away from me. "When Will returns we'll know where they are. What comes next means calling the mermaids. Azalea knows how to deal with escaped convicts."

"Banta," Nilla said. "You promised not to think of all dolphins as convicts or future convicts."

"But he is a convict already and so I don't have to try."

Nilla let out a heavy sigh.

I heard the door close as Will came in. He stood proud and tall with a broad grin on his face.

"What did you find?" I demanded before Banta could ask.

"I found the cave, milady. The fugitive and the human girl are in it. I'm pretty confident they didn't see me, but we must act quickly. The light she carries is growing strong. I could smell its power from the cave opening."

"So she is pure enough to carry a strong light?" Banta asked though it sounded more like a disappointed statement than a question.

"No," said Will. "It's more than that. I think she's on the other side of that spectrum. She has a darkened soul."

"Darkened soul?" Nilla asked.

"She let the little things in life get to her," I said. "From every stumble to every fall, she has let them all affect her negatively and refused to learn from any of the lessons life was trying to teach her, and so her soul has become darkened."

"I never thought of Allison letting things get to her. She always just seemed to ignore everything that she didn't agree with. I assumed she was just tough like that." Nilla pressed her lips tightly for a moment in thought. "I guess I didn't help matters much. I'm sure I aided in her misery with my own selfishness."

"You can't blame yourself for her actions," I said.

"How can we help her?" Nilla asked.

"We can't," said Will. "She's a lost cause now. We have to dispose of both her and the fugitive. It would seem as if your previous observation was correct when you said she was the one doing the leading. A darkened soul only cares about themselves and power."

Tears streamed down Nilla's cheeks. "Allison may have stolen my boyfriend from me, but she's still one of my friends which means I have to do something to help her."

Steven held Nilla close to him. "And my sister. I can't just let you guys write her off as a lost cause like that. I know she can still be saved."

"She can," I said. "I mean she is pretty far gone, but I know her soul isn't a complete loss because she is loved by the two of you. Love is a much more powerful thing than hate and a strong enough love can bring light even into a darkened soul."

I gave it my best effort to cheer them up. In all honesty, I was extremely skeptical.

"So what do we do?" Nilla asked.

"For tonight, nothing," I said.

"What!" said Banta. "But we know where they are. We must strike now!"

"No," I insisted. "It's late. The pack has been working very hard and we're all tired. If we do confront them now, we would have no hope of winning the fight. Even in talking with you now I can see you waiver. You can barely keep your eyes open. The pack can choose to sleep out back or in here. I don't care if they choose their human or wolf forms either."

"Yes, milady," said Will. "I will inform them of your decision." He gave a low bow.

"Her decision isn't my decision!" said Banta.

I glared at Banta. I could see the flash of disobedience in her eyes, they all could.

"Is there something you'd like to say to me?" I asked her.

She shook her head and looked away, but I reached out forcing her face up to mine looking her in the eyes.

"I'm getting a little sick of your remarks. If you have something you want to say to me, then say it."

Her eyes shifted away and she hesitated. "You're weak," she said in a near whisper.

"What did you say?" I was forceful.

Her eyes shifted back to mine. Finally.

"You're weak." Her voice was firm and proud like I knew her to be. "You claim to want to capture the criminal yet refuse to do so at every turn. Why? Because of some human girl? The pack had been doing well under my leadership, but you've turned us into a bunch of weak, sniveling dogs!"

I laughed. "So many words for someone without the birthright. If you want it, try to take it." I released her.

"This isn't getting us anywhere," Nilla protested, but I ignored her.

"Who are you to tell me I haven't the right?" Banta asked.

"I'm waiting," I said. "Attack or obey."

She lunged for me, so reckless. I stepped to the side with a sway dodging her initial attack before bringing my hand down chopping at the back of her neck. She hit the ground and turned to face me.

"Take whichever form you wish, I can defeat you either way."

She looked around the pack and back at me before shaking her head.

"One of these days, we're going to have it out and decide once and for all, but I'm glad you decided to wait."

"Finding the immediate threat is more important," she spat.

I let out a deep breath. "On that, we agree."

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