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If Raven wasn't there to point this out, Erwin could've used the legal system as an excuse to trap me here after getting the information he needed.

He never thought about making me a part of his special forces. I was a mere puppet playing a part of his mind game. And the displeased look on Erwin's face only made me understand that this was the plan all along.

I understood that Raven had known of Erwin's created loophole before and it did make me feel slightly unsettled, however, old lad looked as if he had finally decided which side to take in a war. I was fortunate to have received his support and was in no position to question the few that had decided to help.

"It is an unknown law to many and I planned on staying silent when you informed me of her being a criminal, but after questioning her I was made aware that was not the case, captain."

I was at a loss for words. Finally, my chest aching from the intense feeling of betrayal, I looked at Levi, at least trying to see whether he was in on in, but the man looked just as baffled as I was. Hanji was shocked as well. 

Nobody else knew.

If I were to be locked down here, Erwin would exploit my despair to survive here later on, after figuring out how big of a part I play in history and the current politics. I have spent most of my life in the Underground, however, I have never had to experience having no roof, having to fight for territory or food. My chance of long-term survival here is next to zero.

And Erwin knew that perfectly. In his eyes it was all just a game, and I was a mere pawn with a mysterious lineage behind me. Even if I had died, I don't think he'd feel guilty - he'd use my death to bring down the ones he wishes to destroy.

I take a deep breath and exhale. Many emotions rushing to my head, I take good couple of minutes to take it all in. I cannot trust anyone.

Now was not the time to play emotional games.

"8 passes and an identification, captain." I sternly state, putting my hands on the table and menacingly leaning forward. "Either you give them, or I burn the documents right here and now."

"I can arrest you for betraying my orders, lady White." Erwin's eagerness to get these papers no matter what made everyone uncomfortable. It was obvious that Erwin valued them more than human life.

"Look, captain, that is unnecessary." Hanji tried to jump in and calm him down, but at this point I was for the first time seeing this guy act almost irrational. Thank God I have Raven on my side with this one. Without him butting in, I would've been screwed over completely.

"I know this place better than you ever will." I couldn't stop putting pressure on him. That was the only way to win. Even if it meant confidently lying to make his believes less credible. 

There are no documents on me. Therefore, he knows only the information I have shared with others. And I was going to exploit his uncertainty. "I have my gear completely ready and I will not  hesitate to destroy everything you will ever wish to dig up about my kind's past, I swear on my own mother."

I felt so much rage burst through my lungs as I aggressively highlighted my last words. I was not going to let this man view these children's and my lives as a mere numbers that could be written off as collateral damage.

Erwin finally went completely silent. He was on edge, calculating every single choice he had. But with Raven on my side, he was screwed. He had an insane obsession with history and mysteries. And I was here to fully take advantage of it.

Everyone was getting impatient with each second, tension growing in the room. Even Alice had completely woken up and was observing our argument with growing anxiety. Nobody knew what this war would lead to.

This cruel world [Levi Ackerman x Neko reader]Where stories live. Discover now