Chapter 28

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"This place should be quiet enough," I said to myself as I pulled out my pack of cigarettes from my pockets and took a single stick. I, then, tried to spark it with my lighter, however, the wind of the setting sun prohibited me from doing so. Why does everything have to irritate me so much?! Out of frustration, I opted to punch the wall beside me, hoping that it would release some of the pent-up anger I have inside me. It wasn't really that helpful and all it did was bruise my knuckles. "Damn it! Damn it all!" I murmured under my breath as I looked at my bruised hand.

The things that transpired earlier started flashbacking inside my head which made me even more frustrated than I was, earlier. Did she really mean all that?! Whatever. Who fucking cares?! I don't need them and quite frankly, I was hoping that our relationship would come to an end already. After all, the longer they stay in my life, the longer their lives are at stake. This is the outcome I was looking for, right? So why in the hell am I sad about it? I should be happy. I should be smiling. I should be satisfied. But somehow, feeling all that and doing all that makes me feel even worse. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Satsujin-kun? Are you ok?" I heard a voice call my name which opted me to look at the person who did. To my surprise, it was none other than Morimoto-san, herself. She gave me a worried stare which opted me to avert my gaze. She, then, slowly approached me. I could feel the fear coming from her as she inched slowly towards my position.

"If you're worried that I might not dance with you later, then don't. Just... leave me alone, for now." I said as I, once again, tried to light the cigarette on my lips. Surprisingly, I managed to finally light it, opting for me to puff the smoke out of my lips.

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you. I overheard your argument with someone, earlier. She seems like she is someone important to you so I wanted to check up on you now. To see if you're ok and all." She said as she reached out her hand towards my shoulder. As soon as her hand landed, I quickly and forcefully shoved it off, out of frustration and anger. One of the things I really hate in this world is if someone takes pity on my situation. I hate it... it makes me feel pathetic and weak. It's as if I'm still that weak little boy who lost his parents. I'm not that person anymore. I'm not.

She seemed surprised by my sudden burst of anger, however, I didn't pay much attention to it, seeing as I could still see the sympathetic look on her face. "Just leave me alone, will you?!" I yelled. Just then, I felt a sudden force push me against the wall beside me. The cigarette on my lips fell down to the ground, making me even more frustrated about the situation. "Fuck! That was my last cigarette." I said as I tried to struggle away from the culprit, however, all my effort was in vain.

"I'll give you one later. For now, shut the fuck up and calm down, will you?" The culprit said as he forcefully pushed me even further towards the wall. I, soon, realize who was the person strangling me which made my eyes widen in shock. It was Tsukamoto. "Oi. You there. I suggest you run away, for now. Things are about to get ugly." He said to Morimoto-san as she looked at us with a surprised yet frightened expression.

She, soon, came back to her senses and started shaking her head, furiously. "I'm not leaving him. I can't. I won't." She stubbornly replied as she looked at me with even more sympathy. Can't she see that I don't need that? I don't need anything from anybody right now so why are they so eager to stay with me?

"That wasn't a request." Tsukamoto threatened and even though my back was turned towards him, I could feel that he gave her quite a frightful glare, seeing as her determined expression slowly faded into a scared one. "Go! Now!" He grunted which immediately made her run away from the two of us. Pretty soon, she was finally gone from our line of sight. "Now then, shall we get this over with?" He asked as he slowly let go of me.

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