Chapter 4: Denial

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"T-That can't be!" Tomoyo said disbelievingly at the TV. She has to be there.

She switched the channel to another news channel.

"-reporters say the driver has been identified but still not found-"

She switched it again.

"-not yet found but the car has b-"

And again.

"-Sakura Kinomoto rumored to be dead w-"

Tomoyo turned the TV off and threw the controller on the floor.

"Sakura, where are you? You can't be dead, can you?" Tomoyo whispered to herself as she rested herself on her bed. She shut her eyes and tears fell. "You promised me that we would have a double wedding and we'd live together in the same house with our husbands when we get married together. You can't lie to me, you never lied before…you must be alive"


"Is she alright?" asked a male voice.

"I don't know yet, she seems pretty beaten up from the accident but she'll live" replied a motherly voice.

"Mother, her hands are moving!" squealed a young female voice.

"Hush Emi, don't wake her when she doesn't want to"

"But, it is! See!"

Sakura moved her fingers around and slowly started to open her eyes. Everything was blurry so she started blinking to make things clear. She shifted her gaze around the room and saw 3 people inside the room with her. An elderly woman, a man who looked close to her age and a young girl of about 14 or 15 but she didn't recognize any of them.

She attempted to sit up and was helped by the woman by placing a pillow behind her back to hold her up.

"W-Who are you people?" her voice came a bit raspy from lack of water.

"My name is Airi Sumiya, this is Emi Sumiya my daughter, and my son, Yasuki Sumiya…what is your name child?"

"I-I…" Sakura thought about it. "I don't know"


"But they can't give up!" Touya yelled frustrated as he slammed his fist on the table.

"I-It's been 3 weeks sir and we still didn't find the lady who was in the crash" the police officer explained.

"But, h-how can you be sure that s-she is- is- isn't alive anymore?" Tomoyo said…she couldn't will her self to say the word 'dead'.

Tomoyo, Rika, Naoko and Chiharu were crying there eyes out since the news came that they still didn't find Sakura and the guys were as gloomy as ever. They were all gathered in Tomoyo's house almost everyday since the day of the crash, all thinking of ways to find Sakura. She and Eriol had tried to contact Syaoran and tell him about it but they never let them pull through to talk to him.


"H-How long has it been?" asked Sakura as she returned the empty glass to Emi.

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