Chapter 6: Marriages

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"Hey…it is Sakura!" Touya shouted from his seat as he smiled happily seeing his sister.

The Tomoyo had called in Sakura's father and brother and her own mother along with Rika, Naoko, Chiharu, Takashi and of course Eriol the next day.

They had watched the tape taken from the Daidouji surveillance cameras and still couldn't believe it.

Tomoyo had been smiling more since the day before when she found out that Sakura really wasn't dead but she still wasn't fully rejoicing yet…the question which lies within everyone now is: why didn't she come back to them? And why was she called Cherry?

"Eriol, did you call Syaoran?"

Eriol shook his head.

"I can't, I couldn't get through the lines…again" he said with an irritated sigh.


"Yuan! Yelan!" an elderly female voice said in a happy tone as she went over to give Yelan a hug and shake to Yuan.

"Hua Lien!" Yelan said as she pulled back from the hug. "I'm glad to see you again, where's your husband?" she asked as she only saw another girl, only younger, behind her.

"Shen couldn't make it, she had an urgent call from the company and had to take care of things" Hua Lien explained as she held her daughter's shoulder and pulled her in front of the Li's. "You remember my daughter? Chyou?"

"Good morning King and Queen Li, it is a pleasure to finally meet you" Chyou, a 20 year old lady with deep dark eyes, long, straight, silky, black hair and creamy white skin greeted as she bowed in front of them.

"Good morning to you too young lady" replied Yuan as he and his wife bowed back. "Hua Lien, come, let's settle in the lounge…Xiao Lang will be joining us there shortly"

Hua Lien nodded and followed the couple down the long, large entrance hall of their mansion.


"Now that we know that she's actually alive, how do we get her back?" Eriol asked. "I mean, Rika and the others wasn't able to get the plate number of the car and they don't know what type of car it was"

"Hey, we were busy processing the fact that Sakura was alive" Chiharu said defensively.

Eriol rolled his eyes but smiled all the same.

"How about we show the tape to the police and tell them we saw her?" suggested Naoko. "They could do a search for us"

"If they found out that you guys were able to find Sakura but that she didn't come with you guys, they won't bother trying" Touya sighed. "How about you Tomoyo, can't you send some guards to find her or something like that?"

Tomoyo considered this. It was the next best plan. She looked over at her mother.

Sonomi nodded and Tomoyo smiled happily.

"Okay then, I'll have the guards have an all out search over Tomoeda to see where she is" Tomoyo said happily, running to the phone.


"Cherry" Yasuki said as he stepped into her room.

Sakura was currently sitting in front of her mirror, staring at the necklace around her neck and the rings on her fingers, looking sad. When she saw Yasuki, she put on a fake happy smile.

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