Chapter 8: Hong Kong Encounters

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"I-I can't believe I'm doing this" Sakura said as she rested back on her seat. "I-I never rode a-a plane before didn't I?"

Tomoyo giggled and nodded. "I think this is your first time"

"No wonder, because if I did, there's no way I would be riding again. I would've racked my brain to remember that" she said nervously as she shifted on her seat for the thousandth time.

"I-I can't believe I'm doing this" Sakura said as she rested back on her seat. "I-I never rode a-a plane before didn't I?"

Tomoyo giggled and nodded. "I think this is your first time"

"No wonder, because if I did, there's no way I would be riding again. I would've racked my brain to remember that" she said nervously as she shifted on her seat for the thousandth time.


"I don't know...go ask mother" Syaoran hissed at the man before getting up from his seat and walked towards the balcony.

Syaoran leaned on the ledge and let out a deep sigh as he looked at everything before him. He was about to get married to a woman he doesn't love in 5 days. He will take the place of his father as king within a matter of time alongside the woman he doesn't love. How the hell is he gonna live on with his life? He just felt miserable and incomplete without Sakura beside him.


He turned abruptly and was face to face with his future wife.

"Chyou" he acknowledged with a slight nod of the head.

She smiled weakly as she walked over beside him and leaned on the ledge, looking out the distance.

"Look" she started to say, still without looking at him. "I know we're still kinda awkward. Normally, I wouldn't mind since we both just recently met...but, considering the fact we'll be getting married, I really want us to open up to each other, you know?"

Syaoran looked at her and understood what she meant. They were getting married and he hardly knew anything about the girl.

"I-I have a suggestion" she spoke again, almost shyly while looking down.

"What is it?"

After saying this, next thing he knew he was kissing her. In normal circumstances, he would push away the girl unless it was Sakura. After everything that had happened, he still minded what he was doing but since Chyou was his future-wife, he decided to go for it...for the sake of the family and country.

He kissed her back and he noticed her relax unto him and lean against his chest. In his mind, he was thinking he was kissing Sakura...or rather, he wished he was currently kissing Sakura, more than anything in the world that was what he desperately wanted.


"Here already?" Eriol asked with a yawn.

"How would you know, everything must've went by as a blur, you slept all through out the flight" Tomoyo pointed out.

Eriol gave a grin as he walked out the plane and to the ramp behind the girls.

"It's already night time" Sakura said as she looked out the airport glass window-walls.

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