Chapter 14: Change of Heart

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And it never did. Slowly, and frighteningly, Sakura opened her eyes and found Yasuki not close in front of her but on the ground, holding his side with a face full of pain.

Sakura looked confused before looking up and seeing two of Yasuki's closest friends.

"Aki…Mika…" she whispered, her tears now pouring down. She smiled at them and immediately ran to them, hugging each of them tightly in thanks. "Thank you…thank you so much…I-I…I didn't know what…I-"

"Calm down Cherry…or, should I call you Sakura now?" Mika said with a comforting smile.

Sakura nodded silently.

Aki smiled at her and handed her to Mika before turning to his old friend.

"Yasuki, what the hell were you trying to do to her?" he asked angrily, but all he got was a glare from him.

"You didn't have the right to get into our business Aki" he growled as he tried to sit up.

"Yes I do. You are, or rather were my friend, and so is Sakura. Even if I did or didn't know Sakura, I would still hit you if you ever try to push yourself on a girl who doesn't want to do anything with you" he said, sending a glare of his own down to him.

Mika nodded while trying to comfort Sakura, rubbing her back reassuringly.

"You can't just do anything you want to a girl Yasuki. I didn't even think you could stoop that low"

Before any of them could speak another word, Sakura pulled away from Mika. Wiping the tears from her eyes and cheeks, she turned to look at Yasuki who was still on the floor, not budging in fear that Aki might slam his foot to his side again.

"Yasuki" Sakura said in a trembling voice, trying to calm down her breathing. He looked at her with an emotionless face. "Never claim that you love someone if all you do is cause the person pain. If you truly love someone…you would be happy and support that person's decisions no matter what. You don't have the right to even say that you love me"

He stared at Sakura and mindlessly tried to grab her. But all he got was pain from Aki as he kicked him once again.

"Let's go"


"Xiao Lang"

Syaoran snapped out of his trance and looked away from the window and to his mother.

"Come, you have to choose the wedding rings"

He sighed and walked over to her where she sat with another elderly woman. Sitting down, he looked at the table in front of him and there around ten pairs of rings laid out in front of him.

"Wow" he muttered absently.

Yelan can't help but smile at his reaction. Indeed all the rings were beautifully made…of course the price was beyond anyone else can afford. But a Li must have the best.

"That one" Syaoran spoke again, staring intently at the 3rd pair of rings in the line-up.

The elderly woman took the case and handed it to Syaoran to examine closer.

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