Chapter 18: I'm With You

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Everyone in the room turned to the main entrance doors just as an irritated looking Chyou trudged in and stopped at the end of the long aisle, only wearing a silk under-dress with her make-up all smudged on her face.

"Don't go on with this wedding!" she screamed angrily, pointing accusingly at the altar where Syaoran stood looking just as bewildered as the priest.

Her voice echoed through the large room until it was outdone by the sound of running footsteps.

Eriol and Tomoyo stopped right behind Chyou and looked over at Syaoran, looking guilty.

Syaoran looked over at the pair, now more confused as ever.

"Consider this as our wedding gift!" Eriol shouted- pertaining to him, Tomoyo and the rest of their close group of friends -with a grin on his face, not at all caring at the looks he received from some of the many upper-class people who where merely watching the whole commotion silently in their seats.

It took a few seconds for Syaoran to register what he said and that was when his thoughts were cut off by the soft giggling of the lady in front of him. He narrowed his eyes curiously at his supposed-bride-to-be. He continued staring at the veil covering her face and slowly moved his hands, and started to pull it up.

"Xiao Lang stop!" Chyou shouted once more, making Syaoran stop unveiling the girl's face. All he could see was her pink lips, which was currently formed into a grin.

Syaoran smirked at the familiar sight. No doubt about it, it was-

"Sakura" Syaoran whispered, sounding breathless, as he threw the veil up and behind her.

The long white cloth slowly dropped behind her head, revealing her smiling face.

"Hey Syaoran" she said in a half-giggly voice.

Syaoran's face lit up at the sight of her. He wanted to kiss her right then and there but knew better than to do such a thing. He turned back to the still-confused priest and nodded, completely ignoring the disturbing sounds Chyou was making at the back of the room as she struggled against the guards who were trying to take her away.

The priest snapped out of his own thoughts and looked down at his guide, immediately proceeding with the ceremony.

"Do you, Prince Li Xiao Lang, take…"

"Sakura Kinomoto" she whispered with a giggle.

"…Sakura Kinomoto, as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Syaoran said with a grin on his face, who can't help from his excitement.

"Do you, Sakura Kinomoto, take Prince Li Xiao Lang, as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Of course"

Syaoran looked at Sakura curiously.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride" the priest announced happily.

Syaoran glanced at the priest, then turned to his friends who were all grinning like mad, especially Eriol, Tomoyo and Mei Lin. Then he turned back to Sakura who had a brow arched at his direction.

"What are you waiting for?" she whispered with a smile.

"Well, I…" he can't help but feel awkward; after all, he hadn't kissed Sakura since before she lost her memory.

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