Chapter 17: Cutting It Close

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"Chyou, are you awake?" called out Hua Lien as she knocked on her daughter's room door. There was no answer. "Chyou?" she called out again, slowly entering.

"I'm in here mother!"

Hua Lien smiled as she entered the large room given to her by the Li's in the Royal Mansion. She smiled seeing her daughter seated in front of a mirror, brushing her wet hair.

"I see you were up early"

Chyou grinned at this and sighed.

"I can't help it, I'm so excited. In a few hours, I'm officially a Li…a royal princess and soon to be queen…" her voice trailed a bit and ended up giggling.

Hua Lien smiled. "Well, Mrs. Li…we better start getting our hair and make up done. We have an hour and 30 minutes left to prepare for the ceremony. Everyone's already a frenzy preparing downstairs."


"Yukito, again I'm really thankful for all this. It was such a short notice and yet you-"

Yukito laughed heartily.

"No, no Sakura. It's the least I can do. Besides, I owed Touya a favor anyways…and I can't resist helping out one of my dearest old friends now can I?" he grinned. "I'm just sorry you had to sit here in the control room with me"

"Oh no, we don't mind at all Yukito" replied Tomoyo, in an amazed tone as she looked around all the controls around the young pilot. "We're just fascinated that you have to fly this thing all by yourself"

"That's modern technology for yah. These new types of planes only require one pilot…but you have to be a skilled one to do it alone though" he added with a wink.

Tomoyo laughed at his last comment and turned to Sakura, but she was just sitting on her seat quietly, staring at the clouds outside the window beside her.

'I just hope we get there in time' Tomoyo thought anxiously.


"Xiao Lang? You ready?" Yelan called out as she knocked on the door and entered gracefully with her long dazzling blue gown.

Syaoran removed his gaze from the window to his mother and smiled.

"Good morning Mother" he said with a fake smile.

"So…what do you think?" she asked as she did a little turn.

"Beautiful as usual. Nothing less expected from the Queen of China"

"Oh Xiao Lang" Yelan said with a laugh, waving off his comment. "I see you have finished up as well" she said, looking him over with a proud face. "You look very handsome indeed"


"Now, now…don't answer in such a flat tone. Come, we have to head down and see to your guests before the wedding begins"

"I thought the bride and groom aren't allowed to see the guests until the ceremony begins?"

"Oh, you're so old fashioned" Yelan commented, making Syaoran raise a brow at her. "Well, didn't you notice? This isn't your traditional matrimonial ceremony anymore. Tradition is good but change is better!"

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