Chapter 15: Captured

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"What the hell do you mean she's gone!" Chyou shouted into her cell phone.

"It's not my bloody fault woman!" Yasuki shouted back. "I can't do anything about it; my so called friends helped her escape"

"Where is she now? Where did your friends take her?"

"How the hell would I know? If I did, I would be after them"

"Damn it, she must be back with her family, or worse, she might be coming back here!"

"To make matters worse, she remembers everything"

"She has her memories back? How the hell did she manage that?" she shouted exasperatedly. Can things get any worse?

"She found her charm bracelet. It was supposed to be with my sister but I took it from her in case she gives it back to Sakura. Then little miss nosey came to my room and found it herself"

Chyou gave out an irritated sound and stomped her foot on the ground. "Fine! It's your loss then, I'll have to do everything myself"

"What a-"

Yasuki voice was cut off as Chyou ended the call with a press of a button.

"Useless bastard" she muttered irately as she dialed another number.

"Hello?" a woman answered from the other line.

"Hey is this Jen?"

Jen, one of Chyou's close friends from Japan, they had been friends for years now but it had been a while since they communicated though since they live in different countries. Jen comes from a very wealthy family in Japan which is why they know her own family.

"Yeah, who's this?"

"It's me Chyou!" she replied enthusiastically.

"Oh hey! It's been a while since I heard from you!"

"Yeah, sorry about that…hey I need a favor"

"What is it?"

"You're still living in that town near Tomoeda right?"

"How'd you hear about Tomoeda? And yeah, I still am…why?"

"It's nothing big; I just need your men to take care of a certain person for me"

"And I thought I was the bad one, this is totally unlike you. But I'm in, it's been boring lately. So who is it? And what do you want me to do with this person anyways?"

"Her name's Sakura Kinomoto and she lives in Tomoeda. I'll figure out what I want to do with her later, all I want for your men to do is get her before tomorrow ends"


1 Day Left...

"I'm going out for a walk!" Sakura shouted before leaving the house.

Sighing to herself she jogged out the property before taking a slow walk towards the park.

As she neared the park entrance, she looked as people walked in and out the open gates. Families big and small, groups of friends, young and old and a few couples were around her and she noticed she was the only one who was walking alone.

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