Chapter 2 Y/N's P.O.V.

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We both jump from the sudden sound of the door slamming against the wall, myself nearing falling off the bed, while Deku looks like he's ready to start fighting with whatever is about to burst through the door. 'Hazard of the job?' I think to myself seeing his tense body still seated and holding my hands, but he looks as though he's a cat ready to pounce. His eyes never leaving the door looking for any sign of danger. He visibly relaxes when his eyes see something however and a small sigh of relief leaves his lips as he slowly lets go of my hands. Before I can turn to see what is going on, or more like who is just barging in, I'm engulfed into a hug nearly knocking me over. Strong arms are wrapped around me and all I can see is just a mass of red.

"I'm so glad you're awake!! We were all so worried about you! Thank you for-" the mass of red is being pried off of me as I'm trying not to cry from his unwavering squeezing around my abdomen. When I look around to see what is going on I'm surprised to see Izuku effortlessly lifting the massive man from my bed, and a large man with ash blonde hair leaning against the door frame catching his breath. The man in the door is none other than Pro Hero Dynamight! He's a bit larger than what he looks likes in his interviews on t.v., he almost looks like he could get stuck in the frame he's leaning on. His face is just as handsome in person though, his red eyes are shooting daggers at the red head, still being held back by Deku. Dynamight, besides being well built and large, his arms have a few scars spread out across them (not nearly as many as Dekus' but you can still notice them), his hair is indeed spiky, but it also looks quiet soft to the touch if someone were to run their fingers through it. That thought is confirmed when he runs his hand through his hair before also running it over his face, in what looks like an attempt to calm himself down. I did say an attempt after all, because the first thing out of his mouth is to yell at the poor red head.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU SHITTY HAIR?!?" The blonde rages at him, however the red head seems unfazed by this.

"Bro you can't be yelling. This is a hospital remember?" The red head smiles at him, which only seems to enrage the blonde even more as he goes to lunge at him.

"Ok that's enough! Kacchan if you can't control your anger then you both need to take this outside." Deku stares down the man, with his hand stretched out ready to catch him if he makes another move. While the angry man only closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Deku looks back at the red head as he sets him on the ground, "And you Kiri need to also control yourself. She has broken ribs so you squeezing her like that is causing her a lot of pain. We've talked about this how everyone may not want a hug all the time like you do." He scolds the red head, who is sitting on the ground looking like a sad puppy as Deku speaks to him like he's a child who's misbehaving.

"I'm sorry." He says softly looking at the ground.

"You don't need to be apologizing to me." Deku speaks to him as if he's a father talking to a naughty toddler, and it takes everything in me to not start laughing.

"I'm sorry L/N I didn't mean to hurt you." He speaks to me as he slowly stands from the floor. "My intention wasn't to startle you or hurt you. My emotions sometimes get the best of me, but I'm trying to do better about that." He looks sheepishly at me as I readjust myself on the bed to look at all three of them.

"It's alright Red Riot!" I beam at him. I've now realized this huge man in front of me is the Pro Hero Red Riot! The largest man in this room by far! Not only in hight but also in muscle! This man is huge he's all of 6 foot 10 inch, while also looking as if he moves too fast he'll break through the t-shirt he's wearing like it was nothing at all. His face is also strong, he almost looks like a rugged lumberjack without the beard. He has a scar going through his right eyebrow along with another running through his lips on the left side of his face almost at the corner of his mouth. His arms have some scaring also, one in particular catches my eye that spirals around his left arm, it starts right under is middle and ring finger and gradually gets larger as it spirals up around his arm and continues under the sleeve of the shirt. His signature hair, that's usually gelled into place or has a small braid, is up into a bun at the back of his head to reveal an undercut with a design full of some lines that almost intersect with each other. "I usually don't mind giving hugs, but today is a bit of an exception since it hurts a little bit. I'm Sorry."

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