chapter 13: Y/N P.O.V.

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Didn't get a chance to look over and edit this one..... so we just gonna yeet in this hoe this week! sorry! -Anna's last brain cell. 

The rest of the morning.... Or well I guess early afternoon, went surprisingly well. We had only gotten in one little argument, if you could even call it that, about me working. After some reassurance that it was fine, and I would take it easy, I got to work. He was sitting on one end of the couch lazily looking at his phone, while I opted to sit on the floor in front of the couch to put my laptop on the coffee table to work. At first I thought this might be a bit awkward, feeling bad that he might get bored or something I had offered to put on a movie or anything to entertain him, but he declined. After a few moments however the air in the room felt light, and even easy. He would ask some questions that I would answer off and on. Things almost felt normal, like we have done this before.

Bitch now you sound crazy! Done this before?! That's some sappy shit right there!

Why would the worlds number one hero, pillar of peace want to sit here in an apartment that's too small, with someone he barely knows, on a regular basis?!



Although he does look relaxed......

Quit looking at him out the side of your eye like a creep! Maybe try to start a conversation, or better yet stop working and see if you can't get his attention off his phone.


Or you could have him help you with work??

That's not such a bad idea, right?

I'm surprised by own thought for a second before I decide that maybe it's right. Having a seasoned pro would help me quite a bit. Not to mention Deku! Who better to help with a search and rescue class than him? Seeing him go on so many missions, and always helping everyone on the news every night, this would be a perfect opportunity. Plus it might even help start a conversation with the man! Only reason I'm sitting on the floor and have avoided his gaze is because something about him makes my stomach erupt in butterflies. Could start a whole damn zoo with as many as I feel flying around in there! I finally do listen to the little voice in my head and ask him if he wouldn't mind helping me out with some stuff. To my surprise he said yes!

Just stay clam. Everything is fine! Do not freak out!

Just slide your computer over and get up on the couch with him to show him things. Nothing wrong with that! Just two adults looking at work is all it is.



Why isn't it moving?!


You dumb bitch of corse it's not moving, you put new grip pads on the bottom of it so it would quit sliding on the dinning table.

You're gonna have to pick it up and move it yourself.

Before I get to chance to, I feel something heavy on my shoulder. I'm startled, thinking it could be anything I'm frozen for a second, before I see green curls peeking at me from the corner of my vision. Once I realize what is happening a vicious blush has made its way to my face, and my mind is running wild.

This is how I died. Happy. In the arms of a pro hero.

Well more like just closeness of a pro hero, he's not actually touching you anywhere dumbass.

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