Chapter 6 Y/N P.O.V.

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We continue to laugh and talk for a while, getting to know each other a bit better. My discharge papers finally come and I'm given clothes to change into for my walk back home. Actually now that I think about it I have no friggin idea where I am. I hope it's not too far from my apartment. I'm unaware I'm making a face from this realization, until Dynamight speaks up.

"What the hell is wrong with your face? Feeling sick again?" He pokes my side gently.

"I'm fine. That's just my face." I roll my eyes at the male. He apparently didn't like that answer so he presses further.

"No it's not. Your face isn't naturally scrunched up like that all the time. So spill it." He looks at me expectantly.

"Fine.... I just realized I have no idea where I am. I'm not sure if I'll be able to walk to my apartment from here." I pout a little. This seems so amuse the blonde as laughter erupts from him. When I look around I notice it's not him, but the other two are chuckling as well. I look at all three extremely confused to what's happening.

"We still have to ask you questions about what happened, so you're not getting rid of us quite yet. Besides you're just now getting out the hospital dumbass, you think three pro heroes would let you walk back to your apartment all alone?" The blonde states, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I just let out a small, 'oh', and proceed to finish up the paper work with a nurse, before Kida barges back in.

"I see you just got done with all the paperwork." She looks down to the stack of papers I have in hand. I just nod. "Well I'm going to tell you one last time...." She pauses and slightly sees the two men in the room looking at us curiously, as Deku is already aware I'm about to get yelled at again. "I still believe that you should be here for a few more days. The only reason I'm discharging you is because I know I'll have a fight on my hands if I keep you any longer. So please if you have any weird symptoms that are listed, or even feel the slightest bit off about anything then get your ass to a Dr. Or even call one at the very least." She stares me down, and becoming uncomfortable with her stare I just nod and avoid her gaze.

"Wait she's still suppose to be here?!?" Kiri finally pipes up.

"Then get your stupid ass back in that bed!" The blonde rages.

I slip my shoes on like I didn't hear anything. I say my thank you to the nurses on my way out as the men behind me are still trying to argue with me, and I'm still ignoring them all the way out to the sidewalk. My arm is grabbed and I'm yanked back to face an angry Kacchan. I can practically see the steam coming out his ears. I look around his shoulder to see a concerned Kiri and Izuku (Deku) looking at us while trying to catch up. I practically sprinted out the building when I got past the nurse trying to force me into a wheelchair.

"STOP FUCKING IGNORING ME!" He practically yells in my face.

"Oh I'm sorry were you saying something Dynamight?" I say jokingly, but almost immediately regret it when his face almost looks like it's about to ignite in fire from rage. Then he becomes quietly calm. And now is about the time I wish my legs worked better, because I'd be running! He smirks at me then calmly stands up.

"So you didn't hear huh?" I know it's meant more as rhetorical question, but I go answer anyways. Before I can answer a slight yelp escapes my lips as I'm being picked up. He slings me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing and continues to ignore my cries to be put down. When I look up I see Izuku looking at me apologetically, while Kiri looks unbothered by the whole thing just walking casually behind us while on his phone. When I'm set down gently in the back seat of a car I avoid any kind of eye contact with the males and sit there and pout. I hear a small chuckle from beside me before a door closes.

"Sorry about him. He's sometimes a bit...... much. But he means well. He's just upset, but he'll get over it." Kiri is in the backseat with me.

"What could he possibly be upset about?" I look out the windshield to see the blonde and green haired males arguing with each other in front of the car.

"He may not be able to show his emotion well, but he's just worried about you. He came to visit everyday you were in there. Now hearing you're leaving against doctors orders, well it's a lot for him to express but he is worried. Then when you challenged him over at the doors, well he kinda lost his cool. He shouldn't have picked you up without your consent, but he didn't mean any harm by it either." He continues with a small smile. I look between him and the two still arguing.

"How long is that gonna take?" I ask pointing to the two through the windshield. Which elicited a laugh out the red head.

"COME ON YOU TWO! WE HAVE A LADY SITTING IN HERE!" He leans out the window to yell at the other two. Who look back at him while calming down. Kacchan flips him off before walking to the passengers seat. Izuku gives an apologetic, small smile while rubbing the back of his neck, and walks to the driver side.

"We're all taking the same car?" I ask amused with this new information.

"Yeah. Izuku was already here. Kats rode with him here, and well I was in the area visiting someone when I got the call. When he told you that I ran here he wasn't kidding." He rubs the back of his neck nervously and lets out a small chuckle.

"Wow! I forget that being a pro you have to be in good shape. You didn't have to do all that though."

He's cut off by the men getting into the car and Kacchan looking back at me. Slowly eyeing me up and down.

"I didn't hurt you, right?" I shake my head and he lets out a small breath. It's tense for a minute until he speaks up again.

"Bakugou. You called me Dynamight earlier, but I'm not in my costume. So my name's Bakugou." He says while turning back to face out the window and put his seatbelt on. A small smile graces my lips as we begin to drive off. I know it wasn't much, but that is probably as close as I'm gonna get to an apology.

"So where are we driving you too?" Kiri asks with his usual, signature smile. I give them my address without thinking. The car ride to my apartment is quiet. It's a longer drive than I thought it was going to be, and I'm glad they were nice enough to give me a ride back. I definetly wouldn't have been able to walk all this way.

The walk to my apartment seems like it's way too short, and long at the same time. I'm usually a bit messy. So trying to rack my brain when the last time I cleaned was a bust. Before I know it were at my front door, and slight panic fills my body. I haven't had any guests over yet. I'm so screwed! I just know my luck and my place is probably a wreck. They're gonna think I'm nasty! Why am I so concerned? I have no idea either! I never really cared what people thought of me or my place. But now with three hot men, Pro Heroes at that!, I find myself being overly self conscious as I drag out the process of pulling my keys out to unlock the door. 

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