chapter 9; Dekus' P.O.V.

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Hope everyone enjoys a new p.o.v. in this chapter. Thanks for 70 reads by the way can't believe anyone would want to read this I'm so happy!! Thank y'all so much!!*

Deku P.O.V.

Leaving her home after everything was an..... well the best way to put it is it was an experience. Kacchan was practically yelling (surprisingly not yelling however, a rarity for sure even in our adult years.) about how she shouldn't have ever left the hospital. As much as I agree, she was determined to leave and I'm sure none of us could've stopped her. Kiri however finally got him to calm down at some point on the ride. I sat comfortably in the backseat while my two friends continue to banter back and forth. While looking out the window I realize that we're heading to my home when I speak up for the first time since we got in the car.

"Hey Kacchan?"

"What do you want nerd?"

"Can you take me back to the office instead of my house please?"

The blonde seems like he wants to argue about this before I cut him off. "I need to finish up some paper work for my little vacation time if you want me off by tomorrow." I state, but I know I'm about to get a lecture either way by the look in his eyes.

"Fine, but you better listen up Deku! You better just do the time off forms, if we get in the office tomorrow and I see that excess reports are filled out I'm coming over to your house and kicking your ass myself!" He lets out a gruff sigh as he finishes, as Kiri chuckles quietly at his side. The blonde shoots him a death glare but says nothing further. I just sit there and roll my eyes.

Yeah sure dad.... Not like we're in my car or anything.

I think with a slight chuckle as well. Kacchan had fought me to drive since I, "Drive like a grandma! We'll never get home before midnight at that rate!" According to him. To avoid having something blown up I just complied and let him drive. The rest of the way to the building was surprisingly quiet, we all bid each other a goodnight before they got in their cars and left as I made my way inside. The building is quiet, cool, and dark when I first step out of the elevator. It would almost seem intimidating in a way, uninviting even, if it wasn't for the fact that I have grown accustomed to it not only when it's lively during business hours, but also like this. The still of everything, the dimly lit halls and quite whooshing of air as the vents blow every so often, has become familiar to me the past few years. Since becoming the pillar of peace the workload has been relentless, but the past few years...... If I'm being completely honest with myself I've over done it. I've been pushing myself too hard. Trying to be everything to everyone all the time. It's exhausting. So in order to distract myself from the all too overwhelming quiet of my home, I tend to arrive early and leave later than everyone else. Shinsou tells me I should get a companion, like a cat or dog to keep me company at home, when I'm supposed to be resting, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do so. With all the crazy hours I work, being called at a moments notice, and never really having much free time in the first place, it just feels wrong to have something there that would depend on me all the time. Like I would be neglecting it, and knowing my luck with how much I'm gone it would probably think the caretaker, or cleaner I hired would be it's owner and not me.

I'm finally pulled from my thoughts when I reach my office at the end of the hall. The large room had made me uncomfortable at first. The room is efficient, the large desk is off to the left side with a couple large chairs in front of it, along with a few other chairs and couches on the other side surrounding a small table. The only part I've ever really liked about the whole thing was the giant floor to ceiling windows that over look the city. The rest has felt too stiff, like it wasn't me. It's better now that some furniture has been changed out for something more comfortable that I've picked out. It almost felt like I was a kid trying to play hero when I first walked in here after starting the agency. I chuckle to myself lowely as the thought resurfaces, it feels like so long ago and yet it has only been about 5 years since. The paper work was easy enough to finish up, I pondered over the idea of finishing the reports for now but Kacchans voice rings through my memories loud enough to make me pull my hand away from the computer. I close out of everything and begin my way back home.

She Use To Be MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora