Chapter 10; Dekus P.O.V.

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"I'm not sure how I even need to start..... I guess when Kamui Woods yelled that there was someone on that building, I just rushed in without thinking." I hear a gruff sound come from Kacchan. He's all too well aware of my tendency to just jump in head first, into situations. I continue, unbothered. "When I saw someone still falling I was overwhelmed with relief. I truly was, I swear! However, the moment I got closer it was like everything slowed down, like time just stopped and I didn't know how to move." I squeeze my hands together in my lap. I haven't dared to look up into those eyes that have boring into me since this whole thing started. "I was standing on a piece of debris and was just frozen for a moment. She looked so beautiful, so at peace in all the chaos. She looked like a goddess. Even with everything going on I couldn't take my eyes off of her, like something was pulling me to her. When another piece of debris hit the one I was standing on, is when I realized what was happening again and got her. She looked shocked for a moment before she passed out. I swore I would just get her out of there and hand her over to the EMTS when we got down, but something about her being in my arms just wouldn't let me. I've never felt that protective over anyone I've never known." I finally find the courage to look at him directly. "You know how I get with wanting to save everyone, how I want to protect everyone, especially those I'm close too; but this feeling was so much stronger than that, like I didn't have a choice. I just needed to protect her, make sure she's safe and healthy. I couldn't give her up even after the paramedics took her and I knew she was safe. It's like she grabbed a hold of my heart, like she became a part of it without even trying, and I just had to see her again. It felt like a piece of me was missing when she was away from me, or out of my sight." I put my head in my hands and take a deep breath. I know I sound crazy, there's no explanation for any of this! "It's like something is pulling me to her. An invisible force that I can't fight no matter how hard I try. After we found out she was stable, but in a coma, I told myself I wouldn't come here. That I would give her some space and go back to the office and do all that paperwork I've been meaning to. You see how well that worked out. Before I knew what I was doing, I was standing at her door, like my body just acted on its own to come see her. I couldn't stop myself from going to her bedside, and it's all gone down hill from there. I can't pull myself away from her, I can't sleep at home, I can barely eat. I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't know anything about this person, and I can't stop these feelings that are bursting to get out. What am I gonna do Kacchan?"

The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The silence stretches out for a while longer, before I peek up to see him looking closely at the unconscious figure in front of him. He's studying her closely, like if she woke up in this very moment he'd start bombarding her with questions. He clears his throat after a moment before he glances at me, then goes back to looking at the girl in front of us.

"Do you think it has anything to do with One For All? Like that time with Shinsou?" He looks like he's trying to be cautious with what he's saying. I shake my head slowly, thinking about that time.

"When that happened I saw all the other wielders of One for All. That never happened now. I have no idea what that suppose to mean though." I look over to him concerned, I haven't been at a loss like this in a while. Where I would usually go to All Might for help, I'm sure he wouldn't be much help in this department however. Contrary to popular belief, because of his gruff, loud, or violet approach to most things, Kacchan actually is really good at this stuff. He's big on romance, soulmates and all that stuff. He was introduced to some books and mangas that changed his view on the whole thing, and ever since then he secretly is a big, soft, hopeless romantic. I'd never tell him I know any of this however; the truth came out one night when a few of us had went out drinking, and Kiri being completely out of it, had informed me on the way to his house of this development in our friend. To say it was shocking was an understatement! Ever since then I've come to him for romance advice, only telling him he gives good advice on the subject when he asks why I come to him instead of the others.

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