chapter 8; Y/N P.O.V.

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Looking desperately around I find a way out of this hell hole. Unfortunately for me I'll have to climb. Something I'm not going to be too good at in my current state. My leg is definitely broken at the very least. I look again for anything that may help me in the slightest, to no avail. It seems I'm on my own with this. I take a deep breath and start to slowly try to climb up this unstable mess. Luckily there is a little water left over on the ground from when I used it on the man. It's not much but enough to at least freeze the part of my leg that is broken for now, to at least stabilize it on this reckless adventure. I manage to somehow, miraculously, get out of the hole. Once out however, I wish I would've stayed in and just waited for help. It's a battlefield out here. Heroes are fighting in all out war against a group of villains. The scene is chaotic, at the very least. I want to move out the way, to avoid the chunk of concrete that is barreling towards me at an unforgiving pace. I try my hardest to move. I even try to dive out of the way, but between my broken leg and other injuries, it's completely useless.

That's when I feel it. Is that wood? Wrapped around me and putting me on top of a building, moving me out of the way. I watch from atop the building as everything unfolds beneath me. The world seeming so far away. Everyone looks so small, not quite ants, but more like mice from up here. I lean against the railing, giving my leg a break since all this started. I stand up there just watching everything, having a false sense of security. I should've known better than to feel that at ease that close to battle. I watch as a large piece of concrete is throw into the building, as the dust stirs up from the whole thing. I feel the building shake, bracing myself for the fall that I know will end me, waiting to plummet to the ground, knowing there is nothing I can do to stop it. I used up all my hope, the little bit that was left of my quirk, when I healed the bloodied man, when I froze my leg. An uncomfortable reminder as it's slowly dripping down my leg, even now as I begin the free fall into my own demise. I know there's not a chance of a hero seeing me, of coming to my rescue. There's too much debris, the cloud of dust too thick, the only hero that even knew I was up there has no way to find me in this chaos falling to the ground. I've accepted this fate as I'm thrown to the ground however. I close my eyes and wait for the moment it will all be over.

I feel strong, large arms around me. That's when I see it. I'm surrounded by flashes of green lightening. Someone cradling my head with their other hand, against a broad, strong, muscled chest. I hear a steady heartbeat, strong, reassuring, slightly fast from all the activity. I'm in pain, there's no doubt that some other things are definitely broken, that even though someone saved me, they also did some damage capturing me mid air like they did. However, none of that matters in this moment. All I focus on is the overwhelming calming feeling I get from being in this strangers arms. How their scent, filling my nose as we fly through the air, relaxes me in a way I didn't know was possible. How relieved and surprised I am to be alive at this moment, how someone was able to find me just in time. I look up to see their face, so I know who it is I need to thank when all this over. Green is all I'm met with. Green curls, green eyes, a green suit, but also a bright smile like he's relieved that I'm still alive.

**———————— End Of Flashback ;p ——————— **

I look over to Deku processing everything I just remembered. I don't feel the tears streaming down my face, don't feel my body as it's slightly trembling, don't realize I'm digging my nails into my thighs like I'm trying to hold onto anything to ground me to this present moment. I don't realize everyone is looking at me with panic, and worry. I feel so numb as I slowly whisper "it was you. It was you who saved me. But....... How did you even?" My voice slowly trailing off, not really sure where I'm going with any of this.

"Kamui Woods." Is all he responds with, like he's trying to be careful with his words. The confused look I give him doesn't go unnoticed so he continues. "The hero that saved you, and put you on that building was Kamui Woods. When the building started to come down we captured all the villains in the chaos and he was yelling for someone to go save you. That you were on top of that building. That's how I knew you were there. I just was jumping around in the dust and off debris until I found you, hoping i'd find you in time."

"Good thing you did. I wouldn't be here right now. Even though I accepted what was about to happen to me, I'm glad you found me. I'm glad you saved me." I get on my knees on the floor and bow lowly to the men in the room. "Thank you all for helping me. In all your own ways you have helped me and I'm deeply grateful."

They look between each other, shock etched into their faces. Deku is the first to move on this note and he slips off the couch and in front of me. I'm still low to the ground facing the floor when I feel a soft hand on top of my head patting gently, urging me to look up. I slowly lift my head and sit back on my feet, placing my hands in my lap still refusing to look him in the eye though. He doesn't seem to mind however. Instead he slowly leans forward, a cautious hand reaching out to wipe my tears away. He's gentle with his touch, his hands are warm, calculated, there's a hint of him holding back, like he wants to cup my cheek and tell me something, but he doesn't. He lets his large hand linger a bit longer than what would be considered necessary, but I don't make a comment on that. I surprise everyone when my head shoots up as a thought comes to mind.

"Is he ok?!?" I ask, panic filling my voice slightly.

"Who?" Kiri is the first to speak. Before I answer I hear a gruff 'Tch' from my side and I look over to see Bakugou looking out the window.

"Of course I'm fine. Take a lot more than that to kill me." He proclaims, puffing out his chest a bit.

The look of shock that graces my features once again doesn't go unnoticed. I let out a sigh of relief and a small smile replaces where a worried frown was. "That's good to hear then." Is all I respond with.

"So that's what you meant by I saved your friend." I look at Kiri as I speak. He only nods and seems pleased that I came to that conclusion on my own, instead of needing an explanation. I look back over to Bakugou just to make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me, and that he is completely fine. When that is confirmed I turn my attention back to Izuku in front of me. "I'm sorry." I almost whisper, slightly feeling guilty. The look on his face would be amusing if I wasn't trying to be serious. Before he has a chance to speak I continue, "I'm sorry for all the trouble I was out there, and also not being able to give you the information you were probably looking for. I'll try my best to remember and let one of you know as soon as possible." I slightly bow again. A small chuckle leaves the mans lips, so when I look back up not only Izuku but Kiri are also looking at me amused. Bakugou however looks a little annoyed by everything.

"You don't need to keep apologizing you know? It's literally our jobs to help people. Besides that I didn't mind one bit, so you were no trouble at all. Gave us a bit of a scare when we thought you wouldn't wake up, but that wasn't your fault." Sympathy lacing his eyes as he speaks to me in a soft tone. "Did you already forget?" He muses, giving me a small smile. I look at him completely confused. "One of us will be stopping by everyday. To check up on you and see if you need any help remember? We aren't going to let you off the hook that easy! It will more than likely be me" he points to himself confidently as he continues, "because I do have so much time saved up, and Kacchan has been on me about taking some time off. So this is perfect!" He beams that perfect smile at me.

"And I told you that you don't need to waste your days off on me!" I sigh loudly. Giving a disapproving look to the bright face across from me.

"I told you that it's not a waste! If we're gonna spend this entire time arguing then at least I know it won't be boring." The smirk he gives me is one anyone else would mistake as innocent, but I've seen it before. That's the same smirk I would give my brother before we would get ourselves into trouble as kids. It's full of mischief and amusement. I roll my eyes at him and decide against arguing further. I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself for these next few weeks.

'This is going to interesting at least.' 

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