Chapter 7: Y/N P.O.V.

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Authors note: Hello everyone who has been reading this book! I'm so sorry for being M.I.A!!! I didn't mean to I swear! I was sick for a while, then in the process of moving so life's been a little hectic! But I'm happy to announce that as soon as moving is done I'll be updating every Friday! I also have an amazing beta reader (who's schedule I have to work around, because she's busy being a boss bitch getting that college degree and big money lol) so shout out to her!! Ok just wanted to say a quick sorry for being absent and I'm back now!! Love you all who have been reading this story and thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the support! -The last brain cell of Anna

I slip my keys into the lock as slowly as possible. Praying to anyone who is willing to listen that there's at least not underwear hanging up in my living room, like it usually is when I do laundry. I swear if I open this door and I'm greeted with anything inappropriate looking back at me I'm going to fake a heart attack or something so they won't see. As I open the door I peek inside first to see it's surprisingly clean with only a few small boxes in the living room on top of the coffee table. I sigh out the breath I was holding in relief as I open the door the rest of the way for the men. I slip my shoes off when I step into the small area. When you first walk into the apartment there's like a small landing that's tile, that's where I have a small shoe rack, welcome rug, house slippers, and a small coat rack that hangs on the wall. You take a small step up and on the same wall with the coat rack, sets a small, long table with a bowl for my keys and a empty spot for my purse to sit; beside the table is a large standing plant, who I've named Burno, he watches over the house when I'm gone. Take a few small steps and you're in my open apartment. The living room and kitchen are barely separated with a small island that only fits two bar stools. Off the side of the kitchen I've managed to separate my bedroom with a decretive room divider, but you can still see the desk peeking out from the other end. The bathroom is on the other side of the living room, just a few steps into the apartment from the front door. It may seem cramped or 'too small' for others, but I quite enjoy the space I've created. There's even a small balcony, with the big glass door between the bedroom and living room. This being the first time I've had visitors I'm becoming overly self conscious of how many plants I have, and less seating in the same thought.

"Wow! Y/N this place is sooooo cozy! You've really utilized the small space." Kiri complements. I turn to thank him, but I'm too busy fighting back a laugh now. Seeing the massive men in the small space looks like something out of a comic strip. Deku seems to fit through the door better than the other two, but not by much. He may not be as big as the blonde or red head, but he is not a small man by any means. He's probably around 5'11 to 6 foot, and well built. My attention has lingered a bit too long as I catch myself almost daydreaming. I look back at the blonde coming through the door last and accidentally let a breathy chuckle out as he has to maneuver in the doorway to come in. He looks at me unamused and I snap my head away abruptly.

"Thank you Kiri. I have to admit I didn't think I'd ever have any visitors, so I'm sorry there's so little seating. But is there anything I can get any of you?" I open the fridge to see all I have are water bottles. Making a mental note to go get more groceries tomorrow I turn back to the men. "All I have to drink is water right now, if you want one?"

"Thank you that sounds nice." Deku gives me a bright smile, as the other two agree. I grab the waters and make my way to the living room to hand them their waters. I make myself comfy on one of the stools, offering the larger couch and recliner to the men. Bakugou waists no time getting acquainted with said recliner, while Kiri and Deku sit on either end of the couch.

"So you said you had some questions for me? I hope I can help, or at least remember enough to help you with whatever is going on." I finally speak up, rubbing the back of my neck a little nervous.

She Use To Be MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora