Chapter 16; Deku P.O.V.

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To my surprise these past few, fleeting vacation days have been...... peaceful! Well about as peaceful as one can get with being a pro hero. Relaxing doesn't seem to happen much, unless I'm with her. She just brings something out of me, almost like she just emits a feeling of calm herself. I find myself waking up earlier than I should, just excited to see her. Then in the evenings finding it more, and more difficult to leave her. I've been wanting to tell her about these feelings, Kacchans words falling further into the back of my mind, instead of being up front and center where they should be! Like all good things however, it never lasts. It was foolish of me to think they wouldn't need me for two, whole weeks, it's not that I doubt Kacchans abilities! No I would never! But being the number one comes with certain responsibilities that most aren't made aware of. So waking up to a call from not only the head of commission, but Kacchan also, shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did.


"Deku! Good morning sir! I hope you're having a good vacation!" A deep, tired voice rings from the other end. I immediately recognize who that is.

"Everything is going well Mr. Aizawa! We both know that you wouldn't just call for a simple conversation, however. So what may be the problem?"

"Always the perceptive one, trouble child." He lets out a small, breathy, chuckle. "I hate to ruin your vacation, but your assistance is needed it would seem."

It was a nice, civil conversation, that is until Kacchan started yelling in the background.

"Hey you damn nerd! Give your little girlfriend a break and come out here now!"

His booming voice over the phone would have anyone pulling the small object away at arms length, just to try and keep their hearing. His tone wasn't as aggressive as it usually is when he speaks to me, letting me know this was a serious matter. Not wasting time I got ready and headed over there. Once arriving things moved so quickly I didn't have time to let her know that I would be late this morning.

I arrived to her apartment later than even I planned, soon knocking before looking down at myself.

Fuck! I was so worried about seeing her I didn't even think about how I looked....

Just grabbing the clothes out of your gym bag wasn't the best idea now, was it?


I look like some crazy, homeless person now.

She's diffidently gonna freak out!

Hearing the door open, and seeing her reaction to my appearance makes me wish I now took my time and had a shower before I came over. I didn't mean to scare her. Guilt builds into my chest as she panics slightly about my minor injuries. When I finally snap out of my thoughts I see she's on her knees, on the floor in front of me. She's holding out a hand, looking at me expectantly.

Oh shit dude she asked you something!

Well do something!

We can't just sit here like an idiot!

Get it together! She's trying to bandage you up.

She's trying to take care..... of...... you.....

That thought has my heart squeezing, almost painfully, in my chest. I'm always so busy taking care of others, that most- even me- forget that I need some help and need to be taken care of sometimes too.

"I'm fine. You dont have to do this...." My voice slowly trails off.

The thoughts that riddle my brain seeing her like this aren't very plus ultra at the moment. I look away nervously.

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