chapter 15: Y/N P.O.V.

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I watch the small interaction that happens in my doorway between the hero and this poor, stunned kid. I stifle a laugh when the boy realized who he was talking to finally. I was surprised to learn that Izuku's favorite place to eat is the same as mine, but it was a nice surprise for sure. We end up spending the rest of the day together, just doing random stuff like talking and little projects around my place that I was meaning to get done. That's pretty much how the rest of the week goes, he comes over in the mornings, stays the day, then leaves in the evening to get some rest and it all starts over the following morning. Bakugo has stopped by one morning while on patrol to see how things were going. And Kiri had came by another evening to invite us to dinner with some of the other heroes they know from school. I was nervous to meet some high ranking pros, but they were all amazing and surprisingly down to earth. Since then it seems like Izuku has become a little more bold in this little teasing game we have going on.

So when he arrived late this afternoon, not to mention covered in bruises and a few small cuts, to say I was overflowing with panic and worry was the understatement of the century!

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!?" I blurted out before even realizing. He just chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding my gaze.

"I'm sorry I'm late princess...... I kinda got called in to help with a strong villain this morning. I meant to text you to let you know, but things moved kinda fast.......... I'm sorry again."

"Izuku I'm not mad. I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell like that. I've just been worried is all. Here come on in, I'll get the first aid kit."

I pulled him into the living room without even thinking twice, sitting him down onto the couch and bringing the first aid kit with me when I return. He hasn't moved, just looking like a sad puppy sitting there, staring at his hands. I take a deep breath before sitting on the floor in front of him.

"May I?" I ask holding out a hand to one of his waiting patiently.

"I'm really fine. You don't have to do this...." He looks nervous. Well that is until a blush breaks out on his face.

"If you keep arguing with me I'll put little hello kitty band aids on you, instead of the regular ones."

I cock an eyebrow at him. That causes him to laugh and slip one of his large hands into mine. I begin cleaning his cuts and bandaging them, a blush breaking out on my face as I feel his eyes on me. Luckily from the angle I'm at he can only see the top of my head, and my hair is covering my cheeks perfectly so he won't see my little internal meltdown I'm having at the moment.


You're acting like some lovesick highschooler!

We've held hands before........


Ok damn brain..... message received loud and clear!

Maybe I should say something.....


"Beautiful....." He whispers out and it makes me freeze as I put the last bandaid on him.

"What was that?" Hesitancy fills my voice as I slowly look up to him.

He breaks out into a deeper blush covering his entire face practically, but doesn't look away from me. Everything about his body language and the emotion swimming in his eyes, bright and clear, only scream one thing..... NEED. He can't tear his eyes away from me, and I feel it too. The unbridled need for him down to my core in this moment. The need to lean over and kiss him. The need to wrap around him, to just feel him close. To be one with him.....

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