chapter 3 Y/N P.O.V.

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I look up at the man in the door frame looking over some papers on a clip board, he adjust his glasses and begins to walk into the room. He's a shorter older man, his gray hair is slightly hanging in his face as his undercut is visible with him looking down at the paper. He's still well in shape and radiates calm, soothing energy as he walks through the room. His dark blue eyes land on me when he looks up, and I notice he's handsome with some crows feet on the corner of his eyes and a few wrinkles around his mouth also; he has strong features like his high cheekbones, and sharp nose that hold up his round, gold glasses. "L/N my name is Waterwind, I'm here to help heal your injuries, if that's all right with you." His voice sounds like silk, calm and smooth as he speaks to me. It hits me then that the man in front of me is also a pro hero, one of my favorites I might add! I've always looked up to him since I was kid, always had strived to be just like him, hoping I could be an amazing healing hero like he is. My jaw drops open on its own as I sit there completely unable to believe what is going on.

"I take it you've heard of me before?" He lightly chuckles.

"Heard of you?!? You're my favorite!! I wanted to be just like you when I grew up! Oh. My. God. I can't believe I'm getting to meet you in person...." I try to collect myself and am failing miserably when he takes a seat next to me and has his full attention on my rambling mess of word vomit.

"Well it's nice to meet a fan. Especially one not from here.. How did you hear about me? You're not from here right?"

"No, I'm not from here I'm from the states. I found out about you when you came and did a lecture when I was younger and my brother attended. When he heard you speak he thought it was amazing and came home telling us all about it. I couldn't believe someone out there had a similar quirk to mine, and hearing how you used it to heal really made me excited. I was working so hard to become a healing hero like you before I got hurt." I tell him, being filled with the same nostalgic energy I had when I began the journey I thought I would end up on.

"I see. I'm glad I had such an impact on someone so young. May I ask why you stopped after you got hurt? Dr. Kida told me about what you had said when she asked about your old injuries, so it seems to me that someone with your drive and determination wouldn't give up so easily on a dream they believed in whole heartedly."

"Before I got hurt I could heal just about anything, the only exceptions being the illness designed by mother nature herself like cancer and that stuff that's not really caused by humans. I was so excited to start my internship even! After I got hurt however something changed within my body and I wasn't able to do big things anymore, after I would heal a broken bone or torn muscles it became obvious that I would no longer be able to do what I loved, because I would be so depleted of energy that I would have to take a week off at a time to regain any ability to use my quirk again. That's not very useful for when I would be working with big disasters or other pro heroes, and it didn't matter how hard I tried or practiced, the result was always the same; I'd essentially be quirkless for a week or two before I started to gain it back. So that dream came to an abrupt end" I looked over to see his face full of sadness and concern before I continued, "but as they say when one door closes, another opens. Well I can't really say it was door, more like a crack in the wall." I giggled.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I may not have ended up a pro hero like I dreamed about, but I did find something else I love doing. I'm now a teacher and work as a school nurse for a high school here." I beam at him with a big smile.

"Oh really? Any school I may know of?" He asks amusement in his voice as he brings over a bowl full of water.

"I actually just got hired at U.A.!" I say enthusiastically. The man stops everything he's doing to look at me with amazement.

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