Chapter 11: Y/N P.O.V.

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I stumble out of bed, half-hazardly grabbing at my nightstand for my phone and glasses. With a groan I slowly raise to my feet and look at the time.

Who the hell is here this early?!

Bitch it's not even that early........ more like 10 am. Most people are already at work. Just because you didn't sleep for shit last night doesn't effect the time for everyone else.

I roll my eyes and continue to the door. Usually if I was more awake I would've looked through the peephole, you know like a normal person who is concerned for their safety. Not this dumb bitch. I just swing the door open, ready to yell at another neighbor that this isn't their apartment, that it is indeed one floor up. What I'm met with however is a mess of green curls and all the back muscles displayed, oh so beautifully by a tight fitting t-shirt. I have no concept of time, or how much of a crack head I look like in this moment, because nothing like this ever happened to me.

I'm dreaming! That's the only explanation. This is all a dream..... damn I didn't know I could dream in high def though. Look at that shit! I've never seen anything looking more fine in my life! Thank you to whatever is out there allowing me a break, or a blessing, whatever this is.

I have no idea how long I've been staring, or when the absolute sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on turns around, that is until he clears his throat and a vicious blush is covering his entire face. I finally look up to see Izuku holding a bag and two cups, his eyes looking anywhere but me, with his head turned to the side.

"I'm sorry if I'm too early. If you want I can come back later. I'm just so use to getting up so early I didn't think much about it." He says slowly, still avoiding my gaze.

I pinch myself to make sure this isn't a dream. Surprisingly it hurts, which means I'm standing here making a complete ass of myself in real time. I'm confused for the briefest moment until I realize I'm standing there in only a large night shirt and my underwear. Cue my delayed blushing myself, to come on full swing now.

You're the dumbest bitch alive!!!! You know that right?!?!


Well he's already seen it.... Too late to try to recover from this mess.


Cue internal screaming!

The worlds sexiest man, pillar of fucking peace has now seen you in your sleep ware.


I'm the dumbest motherfucker alive!

Taking a deep breath I open the door more to let him in and step aside. "You're already here no need to leave. I'm so sorry about this." I almost whisper to him as I gesture to myself. If it was possible to crawl in a hole and die I would at this point. Having that stupid thought yet again about hoping the world will open up and swallow me for the umpteenth time since I've met this poor, sweet man.

"Do you always answer the door like this?" He slightly chuckles, still refusing to look at me.

"Only before I'm awake. I'm so sorry again! I can't believe this..... usually the only person that wakes me up knocking on the door this early are some college kids, who are usually showing up drunk from a party thinking this is their apartment. So I didn't mean to come off as aggressive as that when I opened the door." I say trying to slightly hide behind the plant, now enveloped by embarrassment.

Bruno I know you watch over the house, but please just this once protect me from myself. Next time trip me or something before I make a fool of myself again!

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