Chapter 14: Deku P.O.V.

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Sitting here with her is just pure perfection. I'm filled with comfort and contentment. I'm enjoying just this simple moment of silence with her, until she speaks up.

"Thank you." She whispers out. It catches me off guard, I have no idea what she could be thanking me for, I haven't even done anything. I just hum against her as a silent question, not wanting to move from my comfy spot buried in her neck. "Thank you for not only all the amazing work you've done, but also for everything you've done for me." She lets out a giggle that melts my heart before she continues. "It's weird to think I have someone world famous literally sitting in my living room, letting me play with their hair, while I work. Oh! And thank you for helping me with that also! I'm sure it's going to be great with the kids!"

I'm fighting emotions within myself at this point. The feeling of wanting to pull her closer to me, to tilt her towards me and kiss her is overwhelming. I'm also well aware that I should be taking this slow, Kacchans' words ringing through my mind yet again about being careful. It makes me clench my fingers into my thighs to try and hold onto some control. The last thing I want is to scare her away by going too fast.

Deep breaths! Just breath my guy!

This is fine. Everything's fine. You're fine. She's absolutely fine. In all the ways!


Just answer her. She can't be praising you all the time for literally doing your job. If she keeps this up you may never leave her apartment.

"You keep thanking me. You don't have to do that. I should be the one thanking you."

Control your breathing dude. Don't scare her.

Calm. Deep. Breaths. Izuku.

"You've helped me relax, like actually relax, and take my mind off hero work for a while. That's a huge feat for anyone, and you did it with such ease. Thank you for that." I bury my face further into her neck when I'm done, afraid that if I keep looking into her beautiful eyes I might loose this battle with control I've been fighting all day.

"I'm glad I could help........ Deku."



She has absolutely no idea what that just did to me!

Saying my hero name like that!?!

You're killing me princess!

I've never heard my hero name sound so sensual before. I know with every fiber of my being that she meant it in a playful way. I can only assume to break some tension or something in the air I wasn't even aware of. All it did for me however was crack something in this tight grip of control I've been wrestling with all day. Something so deep within me, the thing i've been trying to keep tamed. The want- no the need to have her in my arms, to kiss every inch of her skin. This overwhelming urge to have her by my side all the time. To do just this, sitting here with her, going back and forth with playful banter. I take a deep breath and the grip on my thighs intensifies.

Control yourself Izuku!


"What have I told you already? My name's Izuku. I'm not at work, I'm not on the clock, I'm just sitting here with a beautiful woman on vacation....... Better be careful there. You may end up playing a dangerous game........ gorgeous." My words are slow, low, I can feel them vibrate deep within my chest. Can feel this grip on control I've been desperately holding onto, slipping away. I know I'm losing this battle. Every word I speak is softly spoken into her neck, my lips barely brushing against her skin as I slowly drag them up to her ear.

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