Chapter 12: Control Of Your Mind

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About a week later, you're up early and head to the gym to blow off some steam. You couldn't sleep any longer, so you snuck out quietly just after 6am. Even though you've been in a really pleasant mood over the last week, you seem to have a lot of energy that's keeping you from getting the rest you desperately need.

To start, you get on the treadmill to work on your cardio. After your fight with Thor left you so out of breath, you decided to do something about it. And even though you hate running, you are willing to put in the effort. That's something Steve's training is helping with as well. He is surprisingly spry for an older fellow. One should definitely never underestimate the Captain.

There is one move that you have not yet mastered despite Steve's excellent teaching skills. He taught you how to do a push kick done with both legs simultaneously, and you've been practicing ever since. Unfortunately, every time you try, you fall flat on your back. In reality, it's not as easy as he makes it look.

Unfortunately, these combat lessons are getting a bit boring. You've been longing for some magic lessons, but you're not sure where you stand with Loki. You have yet to face him after the kiss you shared, and – for your own peace of mind – you need to know where the two of you stand before you can ask him for more magic lessons. Even though the thought of asking him about it, makes you feel a tad panicky.

You've barely seen Loki since your encounter in the kitchen. Between training with Steve, Thor keeping Loki busy doing god-knows-what, and your work, you haven't had the time to speak with him.

Tony asked you to take on more responsibilities at Stark Industries, with appropriate compensation of course, and you had agreed. As a result, you've been traveling between the Tower and the Compound for the past week. Granted, you got to use one of his expensive cars.

Even though you still have a room at the Tower, you don't want to sleep there anymore. Now that you're used to the constant company at the Compound, it felt kind of lonely to sleep in the massive Tower all by yourself. The rest of the staff moved away from the city after the attack, as they felt unsafe sleeping in the Tower.

In spite of your busy schedule, you have been extremely distracted over the last week. Loki's kiss left you yearning for more, but it also left you confused, trying to figure out what this means. Loki said he doesn't do love, so you're conflicted. You are not interested in being friends with benefits; you are seeking something more. But at the same time, you don't want to reject his affections.

Finding someone to share your life with here on Earth proved too difficult. The fact that nobody lives as long as you will, makes it impossible for you to start a relationship. The heartbreak you would suffer in the end, isn't worth it. However, Loki is older than you, so if you let him, this could last for a long time, even if it's not exactly what you want.

Running for thirty minutes and overthinking everything while listening to music, you get off the treadmill and grab a bottle of water. When your favorite song comes on, you start singing along loudly, briefly using your water bottle as a microphone.

A curious Loki enters the gym to find out where the singing is coming from. He walks straight to you without realizing you didn't hear him enter. 

You scream at the top of your lungs when a hand suddenly touches your shoulder. Snatching your headset from your ears, you chuck it at Loki, who snickers.

"Damn it Loki! You scared the crap out of me!" You clutch your chest as if to keep your heart from thumping out of your chest. Trying to slow down your heart rate, you take a deep breath.

"I simply followed the siren's voice." He smirks as you playfully smack him on the arm.

"How is the training coming along, darling?" He leans against the wall, crossing his arms as he examines you top to bottom. With your waist-length hair in a tight bun, you wear black high-waisted leggings and a matching long-sleeved top that hugs your figure.

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