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Cato lives in a small village called Rome what was founded by a close family friend, Romulus. They followed him for a bigger city who's government was in turmoil. Cato did not want to leave, he was happy in the city with his friends but his father was the head of the household and therefore he had to listen to him and do his bidding.

Cato walks to the river to get a pail of water, he does this every morning for his mother. As he gets the water a shadow is cast over him and Cato turns. He barely gets to see the person before his thrown on the ground and lips attach themselves to his neck.

A large hand places itself over his mouth and he yells as searing pain radiates from his neck down his body. The stranger sucks hard and Cato can feel himself getting lightheaded and weak. As quickly as it happens the man detaches himself from Cato.

"Hmm, I was going to drink you dry, but you are a gorgeous man and so I shall spare you." He says and moments later his wrist is pressed to Cameron's mouth. He grips the arm and drinks hungrily, with every swallow he feels himself getting stronger but also his eyes get heavier.

As he loses consciousness he catches a glimpse of the man who attacked him, it's someone he does not recognize at all. He slips into unconsciousness and knows nothing of the world while he is out.

When Cato comes wakes up he groans at his senses overwhelming his body, he closes his eyes immediately . His eyesight is infinitely sharper, he can hear a conversation from far away, he smells everything in the air. He opens his eyes again and takes in a deep breath.

He's heard of blood suckers before, it was presented as a tale from his grandparents. They spoke of men and women who move insanely fast, some who can control minds and they survive on blood of humans. He never thought the stories were real but now he knows that they are. He rises gingerly and his fingers go up to his neck, the puncture wounds are long gone. He wonders how long he was unconscious for and where the man went.

He picks up the pail of water and fill it with water. It's very easy to carry the once heavy pail of water. Without meaning to he moves fast and moments later he arrives at the doorstep of his parents.

When he enters his mother turns and gasps.

"Cato! My sweet prince where did you go!" She exclaims and she takes him to her arms and squeezes him tightly.

"I was attacked and my attacker left me for dead by the riverside," Cato tells her semi-truthfully.

"Where you unconscious the entire time? You've been gone for nearly a week," she asks and she pulls back and presses a kiss on each cheek.

"Did no one search for me? I was just at the riverside collecting water for you," he says with a slight frown on his face.

"Your father assumed that you had returned to the city, he didn't want to pull them away from their labor and waste their time," she explains with a guilty expression on her face.

"You did not search for me either," Cato accuses and he steps back from his mother's arms. He feels betrayed, no one cares for him not even his parents. He feels bitterness grow in his heart and when his mother steps forward he puts a hand up to stop her. He can sense her emotions, she is desperate for forgiveness but Cato won't give that to her.

"It is clear that I am unloved here and so I shall go where I will be wanted and loved. I would tell you not to search for me but as you've already told me; neither of you will bother." He says coldly and he drops the pail of water on the floor before turning and leaving the home. He bumps into his father who stares at him with wide eyes, Cato scowls at him before continuing on his way. He heads to the big city where he was born. The two day ride is turned into a 1 hour run.

When he arrives he is bombarded by his heightened senses. He can hear almost every voice in the city, everything becomes confusing. He doesn't know how to block out the voices he doesn't want to hear. His maker left him alone, he has to fend for himself and figure everything out by himself. He is scared and he is alone.

He heads towards the home of his best friend and there he is welcomed with open arms. He spends his time with his best friend, Nereus. He was always close to him, they did everything together and Cato would do anything for him. He has been harboring feelings for Nereus but when his family moved he resolved to move on. Now that he is back, he finds himself staring at Nereus with his dark brown hair, his wide smile and bright blue eyes. They make his heart beat faster. Cato is hesitant to tell Nereus about his change, he's afraid that Nereus will reject him and he doesn't think he could bear such rejection.

He's been becoming increasingly thirsty and it is a thirst not sated by water. Cato knows what that means but he delays doing anything about it, he can't imagine actually stomaching such a gruesome, sickening act.

One morning he is walking with Nereus and the burn in his throat grows overwhelming. He can do nothing but run as fast as he can, leaving his best friend in the dust as he searches for anyone but Nereus to drink from. He finds an old beggar close to the city gate and no one notices when Cato drags him off to the woods, no one hears his screams as Cato bites into his neck. When he is sated Cato leans over the dead body and cries, he cries for his lost humanity, he never asked for this existence. It was unjustly thrust upon him by a stranger who he wishes would have killed him instead.

Cato realizes then he will never be able to live a normal life and for Nereus' safety he would have to leave him once more. He will return once he's able to control his thirst better, he hopes it will only take him a short time. He leaves then without saying goodbye to his best friend, if he faces him he won't be able to say goodbye again.

He runs wherever the wind leads him and he spends more time than he cares to admit fighting to control the urge when it becomes overwhelming. He cannot safely return to his love until he can do that. 5 years after he's left Nereus he finally returns to the city. He walks down the familiar streets until he finds his best friend's home. He knocks on the door, a small smile playing on his lips, he's excited to see him again. Nereus' mother opens the door, she looks shocked at first but then it morphs into a sad smile.

"Cato... I never thought you would come back," she whispers sadly and Cato frowns.

"I am here, now where can I find Nereus?" He asks immediately, he can sense that something is very wrong.

"Nereus is no longer here Cato. He no longer resides in the land of the living." Nereus' mother replies sadly and Cato's eyes widen in shock. He never imagined this to be the outcome for himself and Nereus.

"No. No, I don't believe you..." Cato says and he shakes his head in denial.

"I'm so sorry, I know the special bond you two had, almost like brothers. Nereus joined an army and he never came back. We only received word of his passing when another son of a neighbor had returned and Nereus did not. He did leave a letter for you, in case you returned while he was still gone," she says and she leaves the doorway for a few minutes and returns with a scroll.

Cato takes it numbly and turns around, he heads to the local inn and pays for a couple of nights stay there. Once he gets to the room he sits by the window and unrolls the scroll.


If I am still gone when you come back please do not leave, wait for me to return. I've lost you twice and it would kill me if I came home and found that you had come back but did not stay. I had wished to tell you this months ago when you first returned but I never had the courage, I regret this greatly now. Cato, I love and not as a friend or a brother but as a lover. I thought you might feel the same but your abrupt departure left me unsure. If you love me how I love you, please I beg you to wait for me. I cannot imagine living the rest of my life without your presence in my life.

With all my love and affection,

Tears fall on their own as Cato realizes the depth of Nereus' feelings for him. He cannot survive an eternity without him.

Cato is determined to find a way to be with his lover.

A/n- shouldn't be too hard to guess who Cato and Nereus are... 😇

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