Dolor Meus

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Nash was so distracted by killing Matt that he doesn't notice anything is wrong, as soon as they begin to walk away and feeling of doom begins to weigh heavily in his mind. He looks at Cameron with alarm and not a second goes by before he takes off like wildfire and bursts through the door of their mansion.

He stops and his eyes widen when he sees Shawn sitting on the couch with Skylynn on his lap, he has his hand wrapped around her tiny neck and Nash knows that the most minuscule of movements will end her life.

"Come closer and she dies," Shawn's melodic voice calls out to him, the tone he uses is sweet as if he's talking to a baby instead of threatening a young girl's life.

Cameron appears next to Nash and his jaw clenches when at the sight of Shawn on his couch.

"You have made an unwise choice, amici meus." Cameron speaks quietly and while nothing has changed outwardly, Nash can feel the rage in Cameron's veins.

Cameron's ancient eyes study Shawn, he notices his every weakness and he already knows how this is going to play out.

"Where's Hayes?" Nash asks and he's about to lose control because it's his fault his sibling's lives are in danger, he should have wiped Shawn out of existence when he had the chance. Nash is a young vampire and he panics easily, he sees no way out of this that doesn't end in the death of one of his siblings. Cameron sends a wave of calm to his vampire and Nash clenches his hands even as he calms down.

Cameron tilts his head at Shawn. "Answer the question, Mendes."

"Oh, am I Mendes now? All of the history that we have and you choose this puny little vampire to be your mate? When I stayed with you for hundreds of years and you threw me away like a used, broken toy." Shawn says and he can't mask the hurt he feels in his heart. The fact that Cameron loved no one was a source of comfort to Shawn, he believed that Cameron was not capable of such emotion. Nash proves that assumption wrong and Shawn does not see why he's so much better than him.

"I loved Nash before I was even turned, Shawn. He was, is and will always be my one love." Cameron tells him and he can feel Shawn's agitation rising. Even with thousands of years under his belt Shawn is still easily controlled through his emotions. In time Cameron will teach Nash how to avoid those tactics.

"You never filled that void, Shawn and you never will. Now, come." Cameron beckons Shawn with his finger. Shawn was never able to disobey a direct command from Cameron, Cameron has always been his weakness.

Nash watches in astonishment as Shawn releases Skylynn and stands, he walks up to Cameron who strokes his cheek softly. Nash growls lowly but his attention is taken by Skylynn who launches herself at her older brother. She buries her head in his neck and cries because she was so scared.

"What is it you seek? Revenge? My love? My affection or companionship?" Cameron questions quietly and Shawn turns his head into Cameron's palm. His eyes flutter shut as he feels the touch of his lover for the first time in hundreds of years.

"I want it all," Shawn responds and he's lost in a sea of memories, of Cameron's touch and his affection. His mind flows easily from memory to memory, moments with Cameron spent in bed, on the grass underneath the moon, naked in the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. It flits through hundreds of years, all of the time Shawn spent with Cameron seeking his love in vain. He remembers the sharp pain when Cameron abandoned him, how Shawn vowed to stay in the same area until Cameron returned for him.

His final thought is of cuddling up to Cameron high in the sky on the peak of Mount Everest as the sun rose and turned the snow into sparkling diamonds.

Thousands of years of existence are suddenly snuffed out as Cameron rips Shawn's head from his body. Shawn's body falls to the ground with a thud, an expression of longing forever to stay etched on his face.

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