Ab Aeterno Part Two

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The kiss that Nash and Cameron share is tender but passionate. The love that flows through their bond is warm and envelops both of them.

Cameron is happy. He is absolutely 100% happy with Nash and the family that he now has.

Cameron's attention is drawn from Nash to the man standing at his doorway silently. He tilts his head, unable to comprehend how he didn't sense him at all.

Nash tenses in Cameron's arms, he can feel the hostility emanating from the man in the doorway and he knows this won't end well. In a flash Cameron is up and launching himself at the ancient stranger. Cameron can tell immediately that the vampire is older than him. He can feel a weak thread linking him to the vampire and he knows that this man was the maker of the vampire who turned him.

"You killed Nathan." Sammy says as he dodges Cameron, his reaction is a tad slow but he knows he can best Cameron.

"He turned me and left me alone," Cameron answers and he goes after Sammy again, he grows flustered when he doesn't make contact with the vampire.

There is someone who is faster, stronger and older than him, this is something Cameron is not used to.

Sammy's gaze latches on to Nash. "You killed my soulmate and now I will kill yours."

With a roar Cameron flings himself at Sammy who is launching towards Nash, their bodies connect with a loud clash and Cameron grunts from the pain. Sammy bests him and is on top of Cameron with his hands gripping Cameron's wrist tightly.

"You will watch the love of your existence fade into nothingness, it is what you deserve." Sammy growls and slams Cameron's head into the floor so hard that it cracks the wood, Cameron actually feels dazed and momentarily disoriented.

"No!" He cries out, in a flash Sammy is in front of Nash who had been frozen in fear and shock, unable to move or react quickly enough to save himself. Without hesitation Sammy rips Nash's head clean off of Nash's body, his body falls to the ground with a thud while Sammy holds Nash's head triumphantly.

The overwhelming pain and anger courses through Cameron, while Sammy is gloating a Cameron, Cameron gets up and again launches himself at Sammy. Nash's head drops to the floor as the two vampires come crashing through the window and land on the pavement below, cracking the stone that they landed on.

"Leave!" Cameron growls at the rest of his family, his thoughts are in avenging Nash's death and ending Sammy.

His soul is torn apart, his love no longer exists in the world.

Cameron has lost his soulmate once more.

Without questioning the family is gone in a flash but they wonder where Nash is and worry about the vampire that seems to be stronger than Cameron.

They thought no one was stronger than Cameron.

Sammy doesn't care for the family, he has accomplished his goal and ended the existence of the soulmate. Cameron has lost his just like Sammy did.

"They believed I would die, they thought I would starve in a slow, torturous death but I did not. You've paid for your transgression against me, I'll let you be with the rest of your family. This ends now." Sammy states lowly, Cameron's eyes flash with rage. If that vampire believes that he will just allow him to walk away without avenging the death of his soulmate, he is sorely mistaken.

Cameron is prepared to fight to the death. Despair at existing without his love fuels his rage and Sammy tilts his head, he knows Cameron will not walk away.

The two vampires find themselves connecting once more in the air, Cameron's razor sharp teeth sink into Sammy's skin as he tries to overpower the older vampire so that he can rip his head off. But he can't, he can't get an edge in Sammy as they continue their violent fight.

The strength that they use is enough to turn a human to dust but they barely break skin.

Cameron's mind moves quickly as he tries to think of how he can best Sammy, how he can get into his head and give himself one opportunity to end Sammy.

"He never saw me coming, Nathan had grown lazy in his age and it was easy to end his existence. I burned him, his ashes were discarded. Turning me was the worst decision he ever made and he paid for it with his life. Did you feel it? Did you feel the breaking of your bond? Did you despair at being weak and imprisoned unable to save him? He didn't avenge your 'death', he didn't love you enough to." Cameron smirks at the vulnerable expression on his face as he doubts Nathan's love for him.

Cameron doesn't waste the opportunity, in Sammy's moment of weakness, Cameron uses every bit of strength in his being to rip Sammy's head from his body. Even as the body falls it's hands reach out for Cameron.

Cameron knows he has to move fast and in a flash the fireplace is on and Sammy's body lies there turning to dust. When Cameron is certain that every bit of Sammy is gone to ashes he goes up to the bedroom where Nash's remains lie.

He licks his lips and he gingerly picks up the head of his soulmate. His heart breaks once more, a deep pain settled in his soul that he failed to protect the one that he existed for.

"My love," he says thickly and carefully attaches Nash's head to his body.

Sammy made two mistakes.

He didn't turn Nash to ashes and he allowed Cameron to get into his mind. Although his physical strength overpowered Cameron's, his mental strength did not. In the thousands of years that Sammy was entombed, the method of getting rid of vampires evolved. Decapitating had been the sole way of killing a vampire, but as they grew stronger and developed abilities that allowed them to regenerate, decapitating and then burning  the body became the method of ending the existence of a vampire.

Cameron recognized the fact that Sammy wasn't aware of that immediately. The pain was there, the despair was there but so was the comforting knowledge that he could save Nash.

That Nash could come back.

He rips his wrist open, like he and Nash did to the Jacks when they saved them. His blood drips over Nash's neck where his severed head meets his body.

Cameron can feel the tendrils of their bond. Nash is returning. Blood continues to drip down until Nash inhales suddenly and his eyes shoot open.

"I was gone," Nash says flatly, he is in shock. "I moved to another plane of existence and there was indescribable pain. Matthew was there, the Russian thugs where there, they tormented me for I had done the same to them."

Cameron lifts a trembling finger to Nash's cheek, his heart still broken as he listens to what Nash is saying.

"My love," he murmurs vulnerably, he had lost Nash. He had almost lost him again but this time forever.

Nash has never seen Cameron in such a state of fear and vulnerability but he realizes how close they were to being torn apart, how close he was to an eternity of torment.

Cameron pulls Nash carefully in his arms, he knows his love will be weak and he will protect him with his life. He walks over to the bed and lays him down on it before sliding into the bed with him.

He undresses himself and Nash, they lie together skin to skin without saying anything.

They feel their bond pulsing strongly between them and together fall into a trance as Cameron's blood heals Nash.

Cameron will contact their family soon but he needs time with Nash so he closes his eyes and basks in the warmth of his soulmate.

A/n- the end.
😳 this sucked. Bye.

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