Quando Corpus Morietur

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Cameron smirks at the man who casually leans against the doorway. Nash looks between the two of them and then focuses on the intruder, he tilts his head as he studies him. He has milky white skin and plump lips, his voice is how Nash imagines an angel would sound like. His golden brown hair is styled perfectly and his warm brown eyes are trained on Cameron. His thoughts are fuzzy and Nash can't get a clear read on them but the emotion that is predominant in the man is jealousy. Nash knows that if he concentrates hard enough he might be able to read him more clearly but he doesn't yet feel compelled to.

"Shawn Mendes, what a surprise to find you still living here." Cameron replies and continues to smirk when Shawn tenses at Cameron's words. To an outsider the conversation might be benign but Shawn and Cameron know exactly what has not been said. Shawn had vowed to Cameron a long time ago that he would wait for him here and he said that one day Cameron would return after he realizes that he cannot live without Shawn.

Shawn Mendes is the 2nd oldest vampire in the world but even he is 1000 years younger than Cameron. His age is the only reason why Nash can't read his thoughts clearly. Shawn's voice is beautiful and he uses to hypnotize humans and weaker vampires, when he sings to them their mind becomes completely moldable and they follow his every command. He came across Cameron in Italy and they became lovers and stayed together for hundreds of years, he grew attached to the older vampire and he fell in love. Cameron on the other hand only used Shawn to sate his lust and when he grew bored of him he simply left him.

They had moved around together and it was in this area that Cameron left Shawn. It wasn't North Carolina back then, in fact it wasn't anything and it was still hundreds of years from being discovered. Shawn still travels but he always comes back to the area in hopes that somehow Cameron has found his way back to him and they can be together again.

Time has not been kind Shawn and he still loves Cameron deeply, the depth of his feelings are just at deep as they were when they were together. But to hear Cameron speak so lovingly to the newborn vampire is something that breaks Shawn more than he could have ever imagined.

"I never thought I'd see the day where Cameron Dallas refers to another being as 'my love'. Especially not a newborn. Tell me, where did you find this stray? Did its maker abandon him?" Shawn asks and the lilt of his voice usually makes him irresistible to those that hear it but Cameron was never truly susceptible to his charms.

"His maker is right here. Refer to him as a stray again and I will end your pitiful existence." Cameron replies in a nonchalant tone and Shawn stares at him, the hatred he feels for the boy who managed not only to make Cameron fall in love with him but also to change him threatens to make Shawn lose his control. Not much affects him these days, Cameron was the only one who could ever elicit any kind of emotion from Shawn. Shawn wishes he could say the same for himself.

"The mighty Cameron Dallas has finally fallen," Shawn comments and Nash laughs at Shawn. Shawn's gaze turns to Nash and their eyes connect, he suddenly finds himself wanting to jump out of the window. He blinks a few times and shakes his head, where did that intrusive thought come from?

"Impressive, my love." Cameron comments, he knows exactly what Nash just did and Shawn realizes then that Nash just did. He has to stop himself from lunging at Nash for daring to control him.

"Oh, please do." Nash says cockily. His bond with Cameron allows him to know every last detail of Shawn's relationship with Cameron. He knows that Cameron is 100% his but he still finds that he wants to erase Shawn from existence just because he was with Cameron for hundreds of years.

While Nash was dead and body long turned to ashes, Shawn was with Cameron, enjoying his company. For the first time Nash feels connected to his prior incarnation.

"It would be greatly amusing to watch," Cameron adds in and Shawn is unnerved by the couple.

Shawn's attention turns to Hayes and he hasn't fully formed the thought in his mind when he finds himself thrown out of the hospital room through the window. He isn't hurt at all but Nash flies out of the window after Shawn and lands directly on him. That knocks the wind out of Shawn. Nash, by virtue of being created by the strongest vampire in existence is stronger than Shawn.

Cameron jumps out after them and while there isn't many people out they do attract the attention of some bystanders. Nash doesn't care, he lunges at Shawn and before Shawn can react his arms are torn violently from his torso. The pain he feels is insurmountable, he's never felt such blinding, hot pain in his entire existence. The scream that leaves his mouth pierces the eardrums of the humans who are standing in shock at the violent spectacle.

Nash kicks Shawn and the strength of the blow sends Shawn clear across the parking lot of the hospital. In the blink of an eye Nash is once again in front of Shawn. Shawn is frozen, he can't move and he can't fight back at all. The pain he feels fogs his mind and it's all he can concentrate on.

"Should I end him?" Nash questions at Cameron who is idly watching them.

"If you'd like, my sweet." He replies, he truly does not care one way or the other.

Nash studies Shawn and then smiles sweetly. He steps back and turns to head back to his younger brother. He intends to give Hayes some of his blood like Cameron said and he will pick up Skylynn before they head back to California. He passes by the humans who witnessed the unbelievable sight and he erases their minds. The humans blink and look at each other, confused as to why they were just standing there and why their ears hurt.

Shawn grows weaker as he suffers blood loss from the areas where his arms used to be attached, he crawls to his severed arms and by the time he attaches them and heals himself Cameron and Nash are long gone. They've taken Hayes and Shawn vows to find them and murder Nash's little brother. He may not be able to physically injure Nash but he can certainly emotionally wound him.

Nash should have ended him when he had the chance because now his sibling will pay?


It doesn't take Cameron and Nash long to pick up Skylynn and head back to California. His two siblings are safely strapped to airplane seats while Nash and Cameron lie on the bed of private jet.

Watching Nash completely obliterate Shawn turned Cameron on so much. He was rock hard the second Nash violently responded to the whisper of a thought from Shawn. Nash still has adrenaline pumping through his veins and he crashes his lips against Cameron's. They moan together into the kiss and Cameron nips at Nash's lips.

The couple gets undressed and their mating is rough and fast.

They have sex the entire airplane ride back to California and as they're landing they get dressed and emerge from the bedroom. Hayes is awake and he's curled up on the seat, looking at the clouds below them. He's confused because the last thing he remembers is being in the hospital and being hurt and in pain but when he woke up he was completely recovered. He panicked at first but he noticed Skylynn sleeping next to him in the seat and he comes to the conclusion that Nash has brought them with them for a visit.

He tenses when he sees Cameron again, he still finds him scary.

Nash goes up to them with a soft smile on his face. He smooths the hair of his younger brother gently and he's happy to see that Hayes is completely unscathed.

"How do you feel buddy?" Nash asks him softly.

"Like a million bucks," he replies and they share a happy smile. "How long will Sky and I visit you?"

"Forever," Nash replies softly and he means it literally but he doesn't tell Hayes that. He plans on revealing his change when they're older and can understand it better. Right now they're too young and the news is liable to terrify them.

Nash vows to keep them safe until they're turned and he promises to give them the best life possible.

A/n- short again. I had a whole chapter written but I didn't like it so I scrapped it and started over. Hope you guys like this version 😊

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