Fac Ut Ardeat Cor Meum

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Cameron studies Nash, he knows Nash is feeling panic and worry at the thought of losing his brother and that is why he's asked Cameron to change him.

"I cannot do that, Nash." Cameron replies quietly but firmly.

"Why not?" Nash asks as he clenches his jaw in anger and Cameron sighs because Nash is set on Hayes being turned so that there's no chance of him actually dying.

"If I were to change Hayes then I would be bound to him as well, there is no one else that I want to be bound to but you." Cameron explains calmly, he can feel Nash working himself up as he thinks of the worst case scenario where his brother is not turned and dies because his injuries were too extensive.

"You HAVE to, Cameron. I'm not going to lose my brother when there's something that can be done to save his life," Nash exclaims angrily and Cameron stares at him, he doesn't reply and that in turn makes Nash more angry.

"I'll change him myself if I have to," Nash threatens.

"You'll do no such thing," Cameron snaps at him and Nash growls lowly at Cameron who looks back at him impassively. Nash's growl is like a lion cub to its father, it doesn't affect Cameron at all.

"It's my BROTHER Cameron, how can you be so uncaring." Nash chokes back tears as Cameron's lack of empathy hits Nash hard. He forgets how cruel Cameron can be, thousands of years on Earth have molded him to care about nothing but himself and now Nash. Regardless of how much Nash may want to save his brother, Cameron doesn't have any interest in changing Hayes.

"He's young, Nash. He's resilient and he'll survive this with his mind intact. There's no brain damage, I assure you. Turning when he's so young is a recipe for disaster. He would be impulsive and uncontrollable, he's still a child. If in a few years you still want him to be changed then I can find someone who will be able to bind himself to Hayes. I will not listen to your panicked request and especially not when you threaten me." Cameron says coolly but calmly.

Nash is emotional and he knows it, he knows that Cameron is right but he just stays quiet as he crosses his arms and doesn't acknowledge that Cameron is right. Cameron does not let that bother him, he's lived long enough that things like pride do not affect him. He does not care if Nash doesn't agree with him verbally because his silence says it all. Nash, like Nereus before him, is very stubborn and extremely prideful. Cameron knows this and he also knows that every being has flaws, even he is not perfect.

Nash's parents stay with Hayes for hours, Nash and Cameron can hear them talking. The Griers are completely unaware of the two vampires with heightened senses.

"That man Nash is with is dangerous, Chad." Elizabeth whispers quietly, she sits next to the bed of her youngest son and grips his head tightly. She is so worried and scared that Hayes will not survive the night. The surgeon informed them that the first night is the most critical, if he can survive the night then his chances of recovering are greatly increased.

"I can barely recognize the son I raised," she chokes out as she thinks about Nash. Nash stiffens because he can hear her thoughts as well as her words. She wonders where she went wrong with Nash, he was always well-behaved. He's a genius and she was so proud of the fact that he got a full ride to MIT to study underneath the greatest minds of their time. The sudden change and departure of Nash hurt her deeply. She had thought she would never see her son again and she ached to hug him once more. But now that she sees him and how he's changed, he's no longer the Nash she raised, the Nash she loved.

Nash grasps the chair tightly and the plastic crumbles beneath his destructive grip. He finds that his mother's private thoughts infuriate him and he has a difficult time controlling his emotions. She seemed so happy to see him, she even hugged him but now that she believes Nash can't hear the things she says make him more volatile. He's already worked up from his argument with Cameron and the words his parents say and think are enough to tip him over the edge. Cameron watches silently as Nash struggles to rein in his conflicting emotions. He loves his mother, he knows this and yet he can imagine himself violently ripping out her throat because of her callous thoughts.

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