Inflammatus et accensus

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Mature content ahead.

When they arrive back home in California, Nash and JJ go out together without their older counterparts. They draw attention everywhere they go, people are drawn to them and it's something Nash can't yet get used to. There's an ethereal beauty that attracts humans to vampires and while they may not know exactly what it is, all they know is they want them.

The two friends go shopping and bond more, their friendship strengthens the more time they spend together. With their hands full of bags they head back to Cameron's home. The long distance between the house and the mall don't faze them at all, it might as well be one block.

"Cameron has always been scary, I don't understand how he doesn't scare you," JJ comments and he makes Nash laugh.

"He did the first time I ever met him, he had me up against the wall and I was afraid at first but it went away fairly quickly, I suppose it's because we were meant to be and my soul called to his," Nash replies and he doesn't tell JJ about being Cameron's reincarnated love, he's not sure how much Cameron wants the Jacks to know and he knows JJ will tell Jack any information he gleans from this conversation. Nash knows it wouldn't be anything malicious but there are just some things that are to remain within a relationship.

"I fear for my life anytime I'm near him. Cameron really doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone but himself and now you. I just know the wrong move no matter how small can end in the eternal death," JJ confesses and Nash nods because he knows that is true. He doesn't want to tell JJ that his fear is misplaced because he's absolutely right. Cameron will not hesitate to end him if he feels offended in any minuscule way.

"Cameron's super intense," Nash says and he loves it that way. He loves being the soulmate of the most dangerous man in existence. He feels like Cameron is his ace of spades.

"How's the sex?" JJ asks bluntly and Nash can feel his face grow warm. It doesn't matter that he's now a powerful vampire, he's still a teenager.

"So fucking amazing, every single time. It's hard to do something other than have sex with Cameron," Nash comments and he knows that Cameron can feel every emotion through their bond. His mind flashes pictures of their passionate lovemaking and he finds himself craving the feeling he gets with it. "Like it's seriously addicting, honestly the best feeling I've ever had."

JJ tilts his head at Nash, sex with Jack is very good but nothing like Nash is describing. He wonders if his friend is exaggerating.

"Really?" He asks dubiously. "Sex with Jack is good but not like that."

Nash is confused because he believed that every vampire at that feeling when they're having sex or even kissing.

"Yeah, I'm being honest with you." Nash replies but he's curious as to why they don't have that same orgasmic feeling that comes with exchanging fluids with your vampire.

JJ frowns because he wants to experience what Nash is talking about.

"Does Cameron get the same feeling from you?" He asks curiously and Nash nods.

Nash can hear the idea coming from JJ's mind but he can't stop him before JJ leans in and presses his lips against Nash's. JJ is barely on Nash's lips when he's torn away and flung across the street, he lands against the brick wall of a building. Because the elder Jack is only a few hundred years old, JJ in turn is a lot weaker than even Nash and absolutely no match for the angry vampire who ripped him away from Nash's lips. He crumple onto the ground, he can feel the pain from his shattered spinal column and while he will heal it will take a few days.

Nash gasps. "Cameron, no!"

Nash's voice stops Cameron and he turns to Nash who's eyes wide with worry at the potential loss of his new friend.

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