Ab Aeterno Part One

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His eyes open for the first time in centuries. He had been wrapped up in silver chains that burned his skin and left to slowly rot away. But Samuel Wilkinson is more resilient than they had thought. They were stupid to assume that he would eventually die of starvation, but a body that had survived for thousands of years did not function the same way others did. So Samuel went into a deep trance that was broken by the silver chains that held him in place finally rotting away.

His body creaks as he sits up. He had been locked away in a mausoleum so far from civilization that it had never been discovered. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath, his senses so powerful that he is able to hear a mouse squeaking thousands of miles away as it scurries along a sewer pipe. Samuel shuts out all of the unnecessary noise and searches for his love, the one person he is desperate to see. He searches out their link and tilts his head when he feels nothing, he doesn't feel the familiar tug that leads him right to his mate.

He lets out a wail of absolute pain and despair as he realizes that his love is no longer in existence.

Someone ended his life and that someone is going to pay.

He easily breaks down the door and then shoots up in the air, it won't take him long to figure out who killed his love. There are not many vampires left who are strong enough to have taken his soulmate out.

None of them know of his existence. None of them know he was locked up to wither away into nothingness.

None of them know he's coming for them.

He doesn't care if they didn't do it, he will take out every vampire necessary until he finds the one.

That one will have a torturous death.

That one will pay.


It hurts to think about him now, his heart clenches painfully as he considers an existence without the only person he loves. Pain and anger are the two emotions that rage inside of him, he's determined to use them to his advantage.

He will wait until he is at full strength. He will be patient and in the end, he will rid the world of the vampire who murdered his love.


Cameron sits outside with Nash on his lap, Nash straddles him and they kiss softly while the rest of their family splashes around in the pool.


It's a concept that used to be foreign to Cameron. He'd been alone for so long that he truly never imagined that he would have a family but somehow now he does.

It's all because of Nash.

Nash, his young vampire that has brought so much light and happiness to Cameron's life. He doesn't regret a single moment of his life because those steps brought him right into the arms of his soulmate.

Hayes and Aaron play with Skylynn while Gilinsky and Jack cuddle in a corner.

Their close family is considered the strongest in the world, Nash and Cameron being the most powerful vampires known have solidified their strength. No one dare crosses any member of the family, they know it's instant death.

Cameron still does not care for anyone outside of his family, he has no regard for human life and sometimes kills at a whim.

But one look from Nash makes him melt and soften up instantly.

Their tongues play lazily with each other as Nash begins to grind his erection on Cameron's.

They don't care who sees them, they feel completely uninhibited around their family.

"I need you," Nash mumbles softly onto Cameron's lips, Cameron squeezes his asscheeks in response. They both are wearing swimming shorts and Cameron lets his hands travel up Nash's spine, he loves to make him tremble.

One kiss is enough to make them want to cum but they hold back as they exchange saliva in their kisses, the burn of pleasure courses through their bodies.

Nash knows for certain that he will never get tired of the feeling he gets when he is intimate with Cameron.

He pulls away from their kiss and licks his lips, Cameron looks a him with a smirk on his face that makes Nash grow even harder.

Without saying anything to the others, they disappear almost instantly to their bedroom.

Jack smirks because they can hear everything that's happening in the bedroom but they block it out.

Aaron is the first to notice the stranger who casually leans against a palm tree as he watches the family.

He wonders how no one, not even Cameron, sensed his approach. It would seem impossible to get past Cameron's vastly superior senses but this one has.

In fact, Aaron only notices him because the vampire allowed him to.

Sammy Wilkinson has finally found the vampire who killed his Nathan. He immediately can sense Nathan's blood mixed in with Cameron's, that only means one thing; Nathan created Cameron.

Jealousy threatens to overwhelm him because he wonders why Nathan had made the decision to turn someone.

Sammy spent thousands of years locked away while Nathan was out cavorting around and creating vampires.

But the jealousy only makes him want to get rid of Cameron even more. He already knows his plan.

He will force Cameron to watch Sammy kill every single one of his family, he will leave the soulmate for last, and then he will torture him until he screams for mercy.

But he will get none.

a/n- short as fuck but I wanted to end it there.

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