Ultima Paleas

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Mature Content ahead.

The private plane that Cameron owns is pure luxury. It has a bed at the back of the cabin and once they're high in the air and his personal flight attendant has served them alcohol, they head to the back. Nash wants Cameron, and when the older vampire pushes him on the bed he pulls him down on top of him.

Their lips meet in a fast, hard kiss. They spend the entire flight on the bed, kissing and cuddling closely. Cameron is still amazed that Nash is in his life forever, he thought he would never love again but he got a second chance with his first and only love.

When they arrive in the cold country of Russia, Cameron and Nash leave the warm jet and head to the black limo that's waiting for them. When they get in Cameron pulls Nash onto his lap, he can't get enough of his young lover. Their lips meet in a kiss that they never tire from. They could spend an eternity kissing and they would love every single second of it.

They arrive in Cameron's home located in St.Petersburg, he has a home in every single country of the world. They get out and head inside.

"Jack will be here soon with his little vampire," Cameron tells Nash and Nash smiles in excitement, he was wondering when he would see the younger Jack. Now that he's changed there's downy things he wants to share with his new friend. The world is completely new to Nash and it's been like that for the older vampires for hundreds or in Cameron's case thousands of years. Nash knows JJ will be able to relate to the difference in the world.

There's a knock on the door and Cameron opens it before joining Nash on the couch. The Jacks enter the home, Nash immediately stands and rushes to JJ to give him a hug. Cameron has to stop himself from ripping out JJ's throat for touching Nash.

Jack sits down on the couch and watches as the two young vampires talk excitedly about all of the new things Nash has experienced since being turned. Cameron turns to the elder Jack and they nod in greeting.

"So the Russian mafia, hm?" Jack asks nonchalantly. "What did they do to get a personal visit from you?"

"Attempted to kill the love of my existence in three separate occasions. I told them no second chances and so now I'm here to put them out of their misery." Cameron tells him just as casually as if they weren't talking about hundreds of men in Russia, from the lowly hoodlum to the Russian president. They all have death warrants.

"Nash and I could have made quick work of them, but I figured he would enjoy the company of your little Jack and so I invited you." Cameron states and he glances at Nash with a fond expression on his face. Jack doesn't know what to make of the way Cameron is acting now, like a man in love. The only emotion Jack ever saw out of Cameron was anger, it's amazing to see an expression other than hate or anger.

"Jack has been pestering me about seeing Nash, I had to explain that after changing a new vampire needs private bonding time with their maker, just like I did with him," the older Jack comments and Cameron nods. Despite Nash being the first human he's changed, he still knew what to do to make the transition seamless. Their bonds are as strong as can be, he can feel the happiness pulsing through Nash and it's actually the only thing that stopped him from annihilating Johnson.

"So do you have any special abilities?" JJ asks curiously, it doesn't happen to all vampires but if there was something extraordinary about them as a human then it crosses over as some special ability as a vampire.

"Well, I can read minds." Nash tells him and JJ's eyes widen dramatically. "What?"

"Well having something like that is like... super special. Can you read my mind?" JJ asks and Nash looks at JJ intently and then scrounges his face as he's bombarded with images of Jack and JJ making love.

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