Semper Solades

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The Russian mafia that hired Cameron to get rid of Nash is angry. They transferred 2 million dollars to Cameron's account because he has never failed to do his job. They hire another contract killer to get rid of both Cameron and Nash, they aren't aware that by doing that they are signing their own death warrant.

Cameron doesn't allow Nash to return home, he's possessive of Nash's time and he doesn't want him leaving his side, he refuses to lose him again. Nash doesn't argue with Cameron at all, he wants to stay with him, he's addicted to him. A week passes by and they stay in the hotel room, lost in each other. They order room service for Nash to eat and since he hasn't gone out Nash is either in his boxers or a towel after he washes them and hangs them up to dry

His parents keep sending him messages that they want him to come home and that he's going to be grounded for staying out without their permission but Nash is fully aware of the fact that he's an adult and he no longer has to abide by his parent's rules. They always used the excuse that he lived under their roof and so he had to follow what they said but Nash knows he won't ever go back there to live there. He's much more excited for his new future than before. He's already attached to Cameron and he clings to him, he feels safe in his cool arms.

Cameron is sitting up, propped against the headboard of the bed, he's only in his boxers and Nash is straddling him. Nash traces the tattoos that are etched on Cameron's skin with his fingers. He has no idea what they mean and he wants to ask Cameron about them but he feels too shy to actually do it.

"How come you can go in the sunlight?" Nash asks, he was never too interested in vampire mythology but he vaguely remembers some of the things that vampires do or can't do.

"The information that is out there for humans to read is mostly wrong," he replies with amusement and his fingers gently caress Nash's lower spine. He doesn't elaborate and Nash doesn't ask any more questions, he's curious but he also wants to avoid agitating Cameron. He could have said more but he chose not to, Nash is very perceptive and he's excellent at reading between the lines.

Cameron hasn't fucked him yet, he wants to do it as he turns him because it will be the most amazing feeling for Nash. Cameron wants Nash to feel good, he wants to share that with Nash and Nash only.

Cameron lifts a hand to the back of Nash's head and pushes him to his lips. They kiss slowly and deeply Nash feels the familiar sensation that he's become addicted to. He secretly wonders if it makes him a drug addict. Cameron massages Nash's tongue with his and he moans when Nash grinds himself on his erection. They just kiss, they do nothing more than that.

When Cameron pulls away Nash pouts and in a flash Nash is on the bed while Cameron is at the door. Nash is very confused at the abrupt change but then there's banging on the door. When Cameron opens the door he has a Russian thug crumpled on the floor in a second and the second man joins him in the next second. They didn't even know what happened to them before they died. Their backs and necks are at a strange angle and Nash's eyes widen as he realizes that they are dead.

His heart pounds because he knows what they were there to do, they were going to kill him and Cameron but they were no match for Cameron who has vastly superior senses and strength. Nash stays still as Cameron leaves the hotel room and gets rid of the bodies. When he comes back Nash is still sitting in the same position with his eyes wide. Cameron can smell the fear that still lingers inside Nash. He can't resist the urge to feed on his young lover and he knows that Nash won't deny him.

He crawls onto the bed and pushes Nash back onto the bed. He wastes no time and attaches his lips to Nash's neck, he licks the sensitive skin there making Nash arch his back off of the bed before he punctures the skin with his fangs and drinks the sweet blood with a taste of bitterness that the fear adds.

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