Paradisi Gloria

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"Why are you afraid, my love?" Cameron asks Nash quietly, Nash swallows and sighs softly.

"I... it's a lot to take in but I'm just... I'm scared that you'll eventually figure out that I am not the same as... uh... Nereus and that you will grow to resent me," Nash explains softly and vulnerability shine in his bright blue eyes. Cameron feels relief that Nash isn't scared of him, just scared of losing him.

"Never. I will never resent you. I know you are not exactly the same, I love you for who you are now. I will never leave you, I swear this to you. Our bond is unbreakable," Cameron vows to Nash, Nash relaxes and Cameron pulls him close to his body. He tilts Nash's face upwards and kisses him softly.

"I love you so much... I feel like my soul recognized yours when I first saw you. I felt a familiarity that confused me but now makes sense," Nash confesses and he turns to look at the fragile scroll. He wishes he could remember his prior life but it doesn't matter too much that he can't because he's with Cameron now and that's all he needs.

Nash turns away from the scroll and he looks at the treasures that Cameron has stored in the vault. He gasps when he sees pure gold coins in an ancient looking treasure box that is propped open. Cameron is quite possibly the richest being in the world, he keeps his treasures away from prying eyes, he doesn't need attention. He's sure anthropologists and archaeologists would love to examine the things he has that have lasted thousands of years underneath his careful care. But he doesn't care for them and so he keeps them hidden away.

Nash picks up a gold coin and it feels heavy in his hand.

"Pure gold," Cameron answers the question that Nash hadn't verbalized yet.

"Wow..." he whispers and Cameron smiles fondly at the childlike wonder on Nash's face. He trails behind his young lover as he explores the contents of the vault. He whispers answers to questions that Nash doesn't even have to asks due to the strength of their bond.

He lets Nash take his time and once he's done marveling at all of the treasures of the vault they head back upstairs. Nash can feel the familiar burn and he craves the tangy taste of fear infused blood. They get dressed and leave together in the still of the night. Cameron immediately notices the black car that pulls off and follows them. Nash glances at Cameron, he can hear the thoughts of the men in the car and he failed to mention his ability to Cameron, but Cameron is aware of it. They can't hide anything from each other.

These idiots are making it too easy.

Nash smirks when he hears the thoughts of the driver. He glances at Cameron who gives him a loving smile, they hold hands and purposefully lead the car deep into the woods. Cameron stops and pushes Nash against a tree, their lips connect in a hungry kiss and Nash moans softly as he rubs his body against Cameron's.

"Are you going to feed now, my pet?" Cameron asks him softly, Nash nods and he gives Cameron a sweet smile, he loves the variety of pet names that Cameron has for him. They can feel and hear the men approaching them, humans are disgustingly obvious when they try to be stealthy, although it's not exactly fair to compare them to the prowl of an expert vampire assassin.

Cameron gives him one final kiss and then pulls away to watch his baby in action he casually leans against the tree and Nash decides to toy with his food. His eyes water up and he looks scared as the men with guns approach them.

"P-please don't kill me. I-I'll do anything, I swear I didn't mean to crack any code, I'm just a kid that was playing around," he gives them a trembling pout and the Russian thug laughs lowly.

"Maybe you shouldn't mess with the Russian mafia. We are the ones who give no second chances," he has a heavy Russian accent and nods at Cameron as he references the day Cameron went to their headquarters and killed every person there. Cameron shrugs casually, he knows that they won't be any match for Nash. Other than Cameron himself there is no match to Nash's strength, it's a perk of being turned by the oldest vampire in existence.

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