Vivat Nocte

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Cameron watches Matthew approach them, he's a weak little human and Cameron isn't worried about him. He knows that with one single touch he can get end him, humans are dispensable to Cameron and if he feels inclined then he will end is life but for now he is content to watch.

"Nash Grier?" Matthew asks as he stops in front of Nash. Nash looks at him blankly, Matthew never bothered to talk to him while they were in high school and now he's coming up to him because Nash looks different. It's complete vanity and it makes Nash sick. The crush he had on Matthew immediately dissipated when he met Cameron. Cameron consumes every thought and feeling that he has, no one else comes close.

"Yes?" Nash asks and he doesn't pay much attention to Matt, he looks back at the food he was browsing with his siblings.

"We went to school together, you probably know me... Matthew Espinosa." Matthew says and when Nash's eyes connected with his he felt even more attracted to him. He wonders why he never noticed how beautiful Nash was in high school. He knew that Nash had a crush on him, it was obvious but he never found him interesting but now, now Nash is captivating. Whatever he did after graduation agrees with him because he looks so good.

"Okay?" Nash says and his eyes flicker to Cameron who leans against the wall casually. He knows his lover is amused by Matthew but that can change in an instant, Nash doesn't really care to warn Matthew or at least get him to leave him alone. Matthew was cruel to Nash in school, he never actually made fun of Nash to his face but he certainly did to others. Nash would always hear about it second hand and it hurt his feelings at the time. Now he doesn't care, not at all.

Matthew feels nervous and intimidated by Nash's attitude, he was never like that in high school. He was shy and quiet, Matthew was expecting that boy but this one is confident and dismissive of Matthew's presence.

It just makes him want Nash more. His confidence is a turn on.

"I was just wondering if maybe you want to meet up for coffee or something, catch up?' He asks and Nash's gaze seems to penetrate his mind, he feels exposed like Nash knows exactly what he's thinking. Cameron's interest is now piqued, especially after the revelation that Matthew treated Nash poorly. Cameron was nonchalant before but now he's definitely going to make Matthew pay for his treatment of Nash. His punishment will be harsh and while it does not fit the crime Cameron could care less.

Nash gives Matthew a secret smile because he knows what Cameron intends to do. He has no compassion or sympathy for Matthew and what's going to occur to him.

"Bubby can I have the lucky charms?" Skylynn asks sweetly and distracts Nash from Matthew.

He smiles softly at her. "You can have anything you want princess."

She grins and turns back to the cereal boxes to get her favorite. Matt stands there, awkwardly waiting for Nash to acknowledge him again.

"So you want to grab coffee with me?" Nash asks him but his gaze is still on his siblings as they begin to fill the cart with their choices. Nash loves the happy smiles on their faces, their mother never really allowed them to indulge. She's a proponent of healthy and clean eating, the only sweet things they were allowed to have were fruits, their cereals were plain cornflakes or Cheerios and they used soy milk. His siblings are excited that they can get whatever they want.

"Yeah... I know of a really good cafe not too far from here. We can meet there tomorrow morning?" He asks tentatively. He realizes he's not being his usual, confident self but it can't be helped. He wants Nash so much, he wants him to say yes and be his. He just has to get through the first few dates until he's comfortable with him. Matt wishes he would have done this in high school because the tables would have been turned and he'd be the one acting disinterested while Nash would have been the eager one.

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