Chapter 15

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Jesus, this chap got to me waaa! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it my loves!

Vote, comment, or just read for your entertainment lol

Love you,


*Harry's POV*

I smiled at the ginger man as I watched him record, and he looked up at me and chuckled taking off his headphones and walked out of the recording booth towards me.

"Hey Harry, what are you doing here?" I shrugged and hugged him before sitting on a beanbag by his guitars

"Lou had some stupid meeting with Dave, they called him up this morning and I didn't wanna be alone. I knew you were in town recording, so I came by." he hummed sitting by me and handed me a bag of crisps

"Well i'm glad i'm your second choice." I chuckled and swatted at his chest

"Shut up ginger head. Anyway, what are you working on?" he shrugged grabbing his guitar and notebook

"I just finished recording Thinking Out Loud, the one you and Niall helped me on. But I need one more song to finish the album. You should help me, what's been going on with you and Lou?" I raised an eyebrow at him and threw a chip at his face making him laugh

"This again Ed? You always use mine and Lou's life for your songs you twat." he laughed and set his guitar down bumping my shoulder

"Just playing around with you Harry, and you and Louis make really good love songs for me so you can't blame me for using you lads. But aside from that, tell me what's really going on, you seem really upset." I sighed picking at my jumper

"You have to stop writing your songs based on us though, but then again, you are really good therapy." he chuckled grabbing the pen and notebook

"I knew you'd understand. Now, talk to poppa ginger." smiling sadly I began talking

"Uh....well, there's so much space getting between us right now. It's like, it's so hard to reach him sometimes you know? And I try reaching out for him at times but it's hard for me. And we hold so many secrets, i'm scared one of us might say goodbye soon and start a fire....It's hard Ed." he looked at me sadly and gulped handing me the notebook to show me what he wrote so far


'Oh, spaces between us, keep getting deeper, it's harder to reach him, evernthough I try.

Spaces between us, hold all our secrets, leaving us speachless, And I don't know why.

Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye'

I gulped reading the lyrics and looked up at him sniffling and wiping my nose

"You ginger jerk, you're a genieus. This is exactly it right now." he smiled as I handed him the paper

"You two just need more time together, leave the country, have time for yourselves. And more than four stupid days. Trust me, the boys might have not known where you were but I talk to John. Now anyway, plan a trip together, get out and learn again why you both love each other." I nodded looking at my watch

"I'l make sure to tell him that. And speaking of, I should head back home, he's probably there already. Thanks Ed." he nodded hugging me tight

"Always here for you H. Tell Lou I say hi." I smiled and walked out to the garage towards my car

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