Chapter 32

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Hello loves! Thank you for waiting for the next chapter, and thank you for voting and reading!

Hope you enjoy this one, my brother just got out of the hospital so i'm sorry if it's short or not edited well, I will be updating next Monday.

Thank you!

Love you all!



"And these, oh my god babe. These are beautiful, look. Louis!" Louis snapped out of his day dream and looked up at Eleanor who held purple and beige tulip bouquets waving them in his face

"Yea, yea they're beautiful babe. Listen, I have to get ready. We have to finalize the album in a couple hours and i'm dirty." Eleanor pouted and swatted Louis on the arm

"We're getting married in a couple months and I need this to be perfect! Please listen babe. You're missing out on the important stuff that the couple should chose together." he scoffed

"You chose the cake with Niall." she glared at him then grabbed his arm walking him to the bottom of the stairs

"That's because you were high as a fucking kite. I'm sorry if i've been moody, but i'm just stressed with the whole wedding stuff. This needs to be us Lou, not just me." she looked down at her feet and Louis sighed feeling sympathy and lifted her chin to look up at him

"I'm here. I promise i'l do more wedding stuff okay? But I do need to shower, I smell like a sewer rat. Okay?" she giggled as he kissed her nose and nodded

"Fine. Go shower, but you're helping me pick out the center pieces when you come home okay?" he hummed walking away and sighed as he saw her walk back into the kitchen with the planner and he closed his bedroom door

"Jesus fuck." he jumped as his phone rang and he picked it up not checking who it was


"Louis. You idiot! We planned the meeting at 4! Its 4:30! Get your ass here now!" he cursed under his breath as Liam scolded him and he quickly showered, changed into black basketball shorts and a blue v-neck, left his hair wet and floppy. He grabbed his keys and phone walking towards the kitchen

"Bye El! I'l be home soon!" before she could respond he was out the door and in his car in seconds driving off to the studio. He bit his lip, he was about to see Harry for the first time in a month after stopping his visitations at the Hospital. That's why he couldn't focus with Eleanor today. He's been thinking about today all week practically.

But honestly, he hates this whole wedding shit anyway. He doesn't want to marry her. He can't even kiss her without picturing Harry. She's been questioning about them not having sex and he told her he want's to wait till they marry because it's traditional and romantic and bunch of bullshit he gave her just so she would be content and back off. He listened to Harry because he truly believes he doesn't care anymore. But deep down inside he still wants him and-

"MORON! Get out of the way!" he jumped as he realized they were honking at him. He was stopped at a green light. Sighing he drove on finally coming up to the building. He gulped and nodded at the security who let him pass. Turning off the car he looked at the big glass doors reading Modest! Co. and sighed getting off the car

"Here we go."


"Come on Harry! Stop stalling! Liam is gonna be mad!" Harry pouted grabbing his coat and phone

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