Chapter 48

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Sorry for the late update guys. I'm sick, I have work, school. I'm exhausted. But i'l update again very soon. Promise 😁


Love you all!



"Jay, we need to figure this out. I mean we have only four weeks to plan this wedding." Louis' mom sighs and looks over at the pink lilies and then the purple tulips

"I don't know Anne, Louis wants purple, but Harry wants pink. What if we combined them and then add cream roses?" Anne turns to Harry and raises a brow, he rubs his hand over his chin then sighs

"I mean it sounds different, just, make sure it looks good? I'm open to try new things anyway." Louis claps his hands and stands up grabbing Harry's

"Alright, we're done here. You and I need to go pick out our suits. And call Niall to check up on Darcy." Harry rolls his eyes and goes to kiss his mothers cheek, and then Jay's

"Have fun boys." they walk out into the SUV waiting outside and Harry turns to Louis once they're in their seats

"I gave birth to her and you're the one constantly wanting to check up on her." Louis eyes him

"And your point Styles?" he raises a brow and snorts

"Thought you were going to be the reckless parent." Louis decides to grin at that and leans to nip at Harry's cheek

"I am, but she's my baby girl. Gotta protect her, but i'l definitely be teaching her footie. And i'm loving the way you say parent by the way." Harry rolls his eyes and turns to look out the window

"Are we really getting married in Costa Rica? Thought we would do it back home with all of our families." Louis pouts and grabs his hand soothing it with his thumb

"I thought it too, but things changed love. You got pregnant, you had to go into hiding, and I wish I could give you the wedding of your dreams and wherever in the world you want it, but we can't. Unless we come out now." Harry's hand froze in his and he eyes him carefully

"Now? Like announce it to the whole world? Today?" Louis nods and turns his while body to him grabbing his hands, bringing the knuckles to his lips

"Why don't we just get married Saturday? Lets all fly back to London tonight and call up everyone. We have a big yard, mum can call the court, and Gem and my sisters can help your mum decorate. We'l have someone take a picture and tweet it." to say Harry was both surprised and astonished was an understatement. He was very giddy inside, but then he remembered his week old baby that was back at the beach house with Niall and Ed

"Lou, we don't even know if Darcy can get on a plane. She's only a week old, and then i'm still recovering from that whole sack thing." Louis snorts and reaches a hand down to pinch his bum, which makes him yelp and swat his hand

"Yea, I can tell by how horny you've been lately. Don't think I haven't heard you in the shower in the mornings love." Harry blushes and turns back to look out the window

"Can't help it." Louis chuckles and grabs his chin turning him back to look at him

"Me either. But really love, Darcy can definitely get on a plane. We can even ask Dr.Bradley to be sure about it if that will make you feel better." he nods and surges forward to kiss him

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